What equipment and mixers, liquours should a bar have?!

Question: What equipment and mixers, liquours should a bar have!?
I am building a bar in a new entertaining area soon and was wondering what i should include equipment wise, what i should stock it with, etc to make it a top rate bar!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You have to have a frozen margarita machine, or maybe a few!. You can put whatever frozen drink mixes in them that you want and keeps people cool and happy! Quality Tequila, Rum, Vodka are musts for margaritas, mojitos, martinis, etc!.!.!.!.!. Plenty of bar space, counters, tables and adequate chairs and bar stools!. Good sound equipment and good music, for the chicks, good clean bathrooms, nothing worse than a stinky, dark and dirty bathroom!. This is just a few, others are sure to input tooWww@FoodAQ@Com

Sounds great!. Here is an article by Liquor Live that you must read:


Here are some cheap bar essentials:

hope that helps!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Go to the following web sight ,on the left side of the site go to my bar http://sotallytober!.com/Www@FoodAQ@Com

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