How to make Hunch Punch?!

Question: How to make Hunch Punch!?
Dont want fruit in it!. a friend made some and he had several different types of alcohol in it besides aristocrat!. What all goes in it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's pretty simple!.

1 bottle Everclear? alcohol
1 gal fruit punch

Put them all together and mix it with a lot of ice!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

2!.0 liters Sprite Lemon Lime Soda
1!.0 liter Golden Grain Alcohol
3!.0 shots JD 151 Jack Daniels
1!.0 liter Vodka
2!.0 gal!. Hawiian Punch Tang

This is a EXCELLENT party drink!. It is a little costly to make, but once you do you'll be glad that u did!. It tastes like heaven, but it gets u drunk as hell!. This massive concauction should be made in a large cooler or a VERY CLEAN bathtub!. This drink gets my HIGHEST RECCOMENDATION!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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