1993 Dom Perignon Oenotheque Brut Champagne?!

Question: 1993 Dom Perignon Oenotheque Brut Champagne!?
1993 Dom Perignon Oenotheque Brut Champagne, my fiance and I were going to buy several bottles of this for our small wedding reception, is it worth it!? Can you recomend any better for under 400 a bottle!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Most people do not have a sophisticated enough palate to tell the difference between a $400 bottle of champagne and a $50 bottle of champagne!. If it's a champagne that you and your fiance have a special fondness for and want especially to share with your guests, then the expense might be justified!. If you're serving it as a status symbol (and don't feel bad, many people do) then you could definitely serve something less expensive and your guests would find it to be equally enjoyable!. Perrier Jouet would be a good choice for a group who doesn't always drink champagne!.!.!.the Fleur de Champagne bottle is recognizable to most people from a lot of movies!. The money you save by going with a less expensive champagne could go toward other wedding expenses, or even into your savings account!. Having some savings when you begin a marriage helps you get along and get through any crisis that may come up :DWww@FoodAQ@Com

How about Perrier Jouet Fleur Blanc de Blanc 1999 or Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2000!? Both are around $300 a bottle!. Dom Perignon 1999 and Veuve Cliquot La Grand Dame 1998 runs around $150 a bottle!. For the money, Perrier Jouet Fleur de Champagne 1998 at $100 a bottle is a drinkable and beautiful presentation, the perfect celebration champagne for a small crowd!.
To make a bottle of the 1993 Dom really special- why not just buy one and slip away for a few minutes with your Grandfather and toast him privately!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i agree with sam, if your going to buy several bottles then maybe go with a less expensive Dom!. as long as it has the name on the bottle, im not sure if your guests can taste the difference!. having said that, if most of your guests are master wine tasters then maybe go with the 93!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Go with a less expensive Dom!. you can get some for $250, a little less even!. still fabulous!. you can never go wrong with Dom, never!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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