Is it safe to drink an opened beer?!
so i opened a can of beer a while ago and it's kind of been just sitting here for about a week or so. is it safe to drink? im not so much concerned about the taste. just, would i get sick from drinking it?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Its "safe",but a few bugs might of crawled in it and it might have gotten dust and dirt in it,you will probably puke if it has.If your really that desperate to have a drink go to a bar or just pick one up at a gas station-It will be alot more enjoyable and you will be alot more sure that its not going to make you puke.
I wouldn't drink it that's disgusting, a week is too long, get 2 dollars and buy a new beer
How could you drink an UNopened beer?
No there's always a small chance of roofies