If you remember your fav party?!
We have parties about 4 times a week at my friends house, we have our close group of about 7 people and then we invite usually a random 10-20 people, so they aren't tobig just little kick backs. One night I got super duper smashed off of UV blue rasberry vodka, this was my first night drinking in like... a couple months so I didnt stop at my limit.
Apparently, I made out with 4 different people, including a girl, im a girl. wtf right? Dont worry it gets better. Everyone else passes out on the couches in the living room, except for me eric daniel sam floppy and amanda, so we decided to play beer pong some more, but make it interesting. Strip pong.
Eric and I were partners, and amanda and daniel were partners. The rules were basic, normal beer pong rules, and every cup that was pulled the team that made the cup got to pick an article of clothing the opposing team took off. well eric and I won the eye to eye, so we got first shot. We made explosions in the middle cup. That means they had to pull 7cups on the first throws. ******* awesome, so daniel was already naked and amanda had her shirt socks and shoes off. eric and I got balls back and make it two more cups, balls back again. Both of us got so damn lucky and made it in the last cup too. No rebuttle game was over, they were both nakes and didnt even get to make a shot.
haha, I guess we were really loud or something because almost every one woke up at that moment and manda and daniel were naked in the middle of the room. Epic night haha. Strip Pong Champs!