How many shots of bacardi 151 do i need to get a good drunk?!


How many shots of bacardi 151 do i need to get a good drunk?

how many shots of bacardi 151 do i need to get a good drunk and how many hour before should i drink up?

As one whose nickname in university was "Mr. 151" I can answer this question with some authority. The great danger of drinking 151 is that the stomach reacts by blocking the acohol so that you get the benefit of the flavor without getting sloshed. So you take a few more. Then bang you are blitzed. This happens once the alcohol passes from the stomach and into the duodenum. A process that might take between ten and twenty minutes. I myself rarely drank the stuff, but at parties I would serve it mixed with coke to those untutored in the alcoholic arts.

2 and you'll be good to go---but don't drive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deluded with other liquids, and juices and 3 should get you nice and drunk, cause strait take a wile to absorb

if you have to ask how much it takes to get drunk, sounds like you are not an experienced enough drinker to be dabbling in 151. have a beer or something. 151 is toooooooooo strong for you.

get some friends together and have a lil party lol. its boring drinking by yourself, but from experience bacaradi 151 is really strong so i suggest maybe for you 2 shots.

A GOOD drunk? I would say zero shots of 151 and drink something else instead. For me, 151 has always been associated with a BAD drunk.

Guess your going to have to answer your own question through trial and error.

It takes me about a quarter of a Lt to catch a descent buzz

not many. that sh*t will tear your a*s up!

Depends on your size, weight and tolerance to alcohol. Just be careful.........that stuff is stronger then you may think. Last time i drank the stuff i was doing flaming dr. peppers(a shot of 151, amaretto, light it on fire and drop it into a glass of beer and slam it) tastes just like dr. pepper. Anyway, I thought I could party like a rock star, and after about 6 of those I was puking like a sorry little child. BE CAREFUL. I was drunk well into the next day, and sicker then a dog!!!!!!! Havent touched the stuff since.

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