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- French Drinks?
- Anybody in here like Bologna and Fritos sandwich?
- Was Aunt Jemima a real person? Did her and Mrs. Butterswoth really play bridge together?
- What does sour cream taste like?
- What is your favorite carbonated drink?
- I am going to egypt this month, and i want to stick to a healthy eatin regime.?
- Sweet or Salty?
- Where can I get those tasty liqueur filled candies?
- Which do you prefer..egg white or egg yolk??
- Why do Bananas go bad so quickly?
- Which do you prefer...Dr.Pepper or Coke?
- Why have my taste buds changed from sweet to savoury as if overnight?!!?
- Where have Munch Bunch Wobblers gone?
- What family of nuts does the doughnut belong to?
- Whats your all time favorite candy?
- Whats your all time favorite soda??
- Does anyone know where to buy frozen soup in Scotland?
- There is a large market in fish fingers, what do they do with the toes ?
- What irritates you in the kitchen?
- What are some of your favorite foods that are healthy?
- Cream - single, double, heavy, whipping?
- Whats the difference between a burp and a belch?
- How can i store muffins without the tops getting all soft and slimy??
- Why does Foreign (non-British) Cheese taste like soap , and smell like old socks?
- Do you think that the old tarts were best?
- For my elevenses should i have Jammy Dodgers or Garibaldi biscuits?
- I know Marco Polo invented mints but who invented lozengers?
- Is it ok to walk to the local filling station to buy bacon and eggs in me calvins ,dressing gown and slippers,
- Is vennison frozen in a deep freezer since nov. 2001 still edible?? It was stored in plastic and freezer paper
- What Can I Use Clam Juice For?
- Question about pop-tarts....?
- Whats the difference btwn sherbet and sorbet?
- Whats an appropriate non-alcoholic drink to take with barbecue and steak?
- I am throwing a Surprise Birthday party and i need to know how much of each meet i need?
- Which one is the pestle and which one is the mortar?
- Family dinner, and I have to bring dessert?
- Bacon and eggs or frosties, got the day off , nothing to do, dont need the energy?
- Are you supposed to store apples in the fridge crisper or in a fruit bowl w/all the others?
- I just gone and bought some Jaffa Cakes?
- Why is it that every girl in the world is on a diet they would rather have bacon and eggs than cereals?
- Why do we always smell something before we taste it?
- Whats your fav toast topping?!?!?
- How many grains of salt are in a teaspoon? And how many are in a tablespoon?
- Are you supposed to put Tabasco sauce in the fridge after it has been opened?
- If you make only a half sandwich, do you cut one slice of bread in two, or do you fold it in half?
- Hey fatty!!?
- What is cheese?
- Would you like breakfast in bed this morning?
- Do you use white or wheat bread to make a sandwich, and do you cut the crust off?
- Food replacement like ensure?
- Savoury vinegar crisps,,,anyone remember them?
- Do you eat hot foods for breakfast?
- We need alot more help please?
- What is the deal with these new big avocados?
- Square Watermelon?
- Where can I buy FruitaBu?
- What's the last thing you ate/what are you eating?
- What is the most nasty thing you have ever eaten?
- Good invention?: rectangular box with holes in top offset from sides to capture dust in boxes of cereal?
- Why does snot taste so yummy?
- What's your favorite kind of fish to have as a meal?
- Does a bowl of cereal make you feel sick?
- Will original DAQUARI ICE ice cream ever come back?