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- Mango.......................
- Anyone else here think hot dogs are disgusting?
- What is the most expensive cereal?
- Where is the castle that makes the Crisps ?
- Where can I find passata in a supermarket?
- Have you ever tasted play-doh?
- Have you ever torn a piece of your skin off and eaten it?
- I just came back to my office with my lunch. it looked like the fat guy got a hard on whne he looked at it...?
- Just a thought...?
- What are some good tasty soft foods for me to eat(see details)?
- What exactly is the "Flavor Enhanced Liquid" that is added to fish, fowl and red meat?
- Why are pop tarts so disgusting?
- Do you like mangoes ?
- How many times a year do you eat meatloaf?
- Does a food bank give out perishable items?
- Crystal light?
- I think most people put Chinese food on a plate...except in TV and the movies?
- Gatorade Help!?
- How do you make an iced cappucino like starbucks' makes?
- I Just Broke My Mom's Blender-Please Help!?
- Handel's Ice Cream...Calories?
- What seeds can you eat without roasting them or pumpkin sunflower sesame are the obvious ones...
- What is your fav candy? When did you last have that candy!!?
- Is lemon bitter or sour?
- I got a research to do about Coca Cola Company can anybody help me?
- Which Came first the chicken or the egg?
- Why is it when you run water when chopping onions, your eyes don't burn?
- We are making pizza for dinner.. what should we serve with it|, salad, or fruit?
- Do you like the taste of sour or bitter?
- Whats your favourite way to eat potatoes?
- Are you supposed to use 3X's MORE or LESS dry herbs than fresh herbs?
- Does anyone else fancy a nice hot curry?
- Whats a good way to combine chocolate and gummy bears?
- Nigella Lawson?
- Whats your favorite pizza place?
- OK, I want the truth! What is REALLY in hot dog meat?
- Do you like Mom's meatloaf best?
- Do you eat french fries one at a time or a bunch at a time?
- Whats your favourote chocolate?
- Have you ever burned your bisquits or sausage by leaving them out in the sun unprotected?
- How do you eat your Corn flakes?
- Would you rather have shrimp or crab legs?
- Favorite type of fries....?
- What's your favorite flavor of yogurt?
- Freezing Mushrooms/Herbs?
- Do you like spam?
- Carb Free Foods?
- Re-freezing meats??
- Organic food or normal?
- What are some good finger foods to have around the campfire?
- Is there any problem of drinking a mixture of hot and cold water?
- What is your favorite kind of ice cream???
- If an egg's shell is a little cracked is it ok to still eat the egg? & if eggs are too cold will they crack?
- Whats good for lunch today?
- Hot or Cold Meal for your tea people?
- I once bought a case of old el paso canned soup. now i can't find it anywhere. can you help me find some?
- You know those Wrigley's Extra strips things? Those mints that come in packs of 20 that you place on?
- What is your favorite cold-weather goodie?
- Do you prefer to shop in Sainsbury's or Tesco?
- Hey everybody, I'm pregnant and I was wanting to know what the best foods for me to eat are?
- Why do we call it Breakfast & other countries call it Brunch?
- A new name for a cereal box?
- A name for a cereal box?