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- How does the shiny cardboard work in a microwave pizza?
- Does Bread go bad faster is your sit it on top of your Microwave?
- Why do we like junk food so much?
- How many plastic bottles regular water bottles make a pound?
- What bugs are good on pizza?
- Where to go in Virginia to buy soft shell crabs?
- Pie or Muffins?
- How to measure cereal?
- How do sell by dates work on?
- Is chocolate a gateway candy?
- How can Tobasco sauce be tested for in the body?
- What's your favorite style pizza, New York style, Chicago style, or California style?
- Would you bake an egg, leave it out for 3 days, and then eat it?
- How can you tell when fish has gone bad and is not good to eat?
- What do you like on your croissants ?
- Any smoothie ideas?
- Whats the best thing to eat or do to stop your stomach from making noises?
- 1/4 pound equals how many cups?
- Microwavable aluminum foil?
- Where did the term Kosher Salt come from and how does it differ from regular salt?
- Do you eat the fuzzy skin on a kiwi fruit or peel it?
- Cookie Crisp Mascot?
- Bob Dylan genius or over rated?
- Have you heard of people eating dirt?
- Please god give me the strength.?
- What are the best ways to eat a banana?
- Are people looking forward to wispa from cadburys coming back its in october?
- Whats you favourite kind of chocolate?
- What is the main function of carrots, tomatoes, apple & broccoli for our health?
- What is 'soda bread' and why does it taste like foot-powder?
- Are pancakes, waffles, & French toast considered unhealthy?
- Is it bad to leave meat out overnight to defrost?
- Chilli's HELP?
- Milk and....?
- What is the foam/bubbles in milk called?
- What is a caffeine free way to get more energy?
- I was wondering what supermarkets do with meat and poultry after the expiration date or when it starts to go .
- What exactly is "Gourmet" when used as an adjective?
- What's the best thing to eat before a test?
- Whats the difference between plums and prunes? is there a difference?
- Are these crawfish ok to eat?
- Tell me everything you ate today?
- Does a piece of chewing gum weigh less after you've chewed all the flavour out of it?
- If you had a burger named after you what would it be called and what would be on it?
- Which movie snack is more healthier Nachos or Popcorn?
- When eating chicken wings- do you prefer the wing or the drumstick?
- Are you going on the sausage trail?
- How long does it take to defrost a frozen chicken breast?
- Would you get in a large tub of?
- White bread, brown sugar with cream sprinkled on the sugar--anyone else have this packed in school lunch bag?
- Chocolate brands, YUMMM?
- Twinkies or Ho Ho's?
- How do i get a boy firend?
- So that to the Americans they eat single food scrap iron, instead of really eating food?
- Why does a coconut float ?
- What does "BROIL" mean? And how do you broil meat? i.e. chops etc.?
- Close your eyes and stick your tongue out......come on!!! im squeezing a ...................?
- I've heard that people make coffee out of Chicory, is this true?
- What's the best out of coca cola or pepsi?
- My passion fruit vine is loaded with fruit. How can I make use of them (Essex , UK)?
- If you were a sandwich filling what would you be?
- What the hell should i eat?
- If I eat any grain products, I'm also eating weavel eggs?