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- Whats ur soothing food?
- Pepsi from a can or Bottle?
- What is the most sugary fruit?
- Fruit & veg each day?
- Does tilipia eat poo?
- Kitchen Organization...What is the best way to make my kitchen extra safe to avoid food poisoning?
- How was everyones dinner today ????
- Is frozen fruit as good as fresh fruit?
- Is it safe to eat pizza that was left out all night?
- What is the name of the cheese that crumbles and melts in your mouth?
- Did you have breakfast this morning?
- Can you still get bombay duck? and why is it called that when its a fish??
- Whats a light meal?
- Snacks that won't make you pass gas?
- Sundaes?????????
- Abra-kabob-ra anyone?
- Whats ur favorite kind of pizza!?
- How is it possible that we have enough food supplies to feed everyone daily?
- Lunch Ideas for School?
- Is ginger ale healthier for you than other sodas?
- Has anyone ever noticed?
- Can you still eat cheese, after it starts to mold?
- What's an average weekly food budget for a single person?
- Hummus spread?
- How are Pringles made? Why are they so different than regular chips?
- What are some good drinks u can try with ice cream?
- Does anyone ever feel sorry for...?
- I am wondering what your favorite fast food is?
- Frozen Fruit?
- Favorite type of tree nut?
- Favorite potato?
- Your favorite drink?
- Why are there only brown chicken eggs in Thailand? No white chicken eggs?
- Do dollar tree "ovenbaked"brand devil food cakes contain plastic?
- Which is worse?
- Melted cheese?
- Im going for a ice cream...what flavor should i choose??????
- What Snacks, Meals, and Drinks should I serve at a Beach Party?
- What's your favorite breakfast (to cook and/or to eat?)?
- Where can I find plain old Sailor Boy Pilot Bread in the lower 48?
- If the proof of the pudding is in the eating .Where does the evidence to support this go?
- Why are pretzels twisted in a knot?
- Difference between pepperoni, salami, and balogna?!?
- What's ur favortie fruit and Why?
- So I've heard.......?
- Does anybody still have the traditional sunday dinner?
- HOW minute rice!!?? Where did it come from??
- Ingredients in foods to avoid?
- How many times should you flip a steak on the grill?
- What should i have for lunch today??
- I had beer with my omelette on saturday morning. is that a good or sad start to a day?
- Why do people say bread is bread, when there are different kinds of bread?
- Tell me about some fruits! 10 points on the line?
- Easy cake//cookie//muffin recipies I can do with an 8-year-old?
- Do you guys think Paula Deen's Cholesterol is high?
- How long is the longest pee?
- What's a traditional english breakfast?
- Should i have dinner when my father in law says we should?
- What did you have for your Sunday dinner today ??
- Starbucks anyone????
- Nestle cafe? anyone been there?
- If there is nothing more than to live, and die, and all the in between, Why live at all?
- What is an typical english breakfast?.I want to know how it is cooked?