Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Soy Cream Cheese?
- Animal products don't discust me?
- Do animal rights activists and vegans tend to be pro-life?
- What is your opinion on vegans?
- Animal Crossing city folk.?
- Marmite or vegimite?
- Good Vegan Marshmellows?
- As far as protein goes, are mushrooms a good meat substitute for vegetarians?
- Why should you find the term "TREE HUGGER" offensive?
- Will this make me a bad person?
- What do you call a person who doesn`t eat red meat?
- Im a "vegan" in training .... few easy questions..?
- Do vegans eat peanuts and peanut butter?
- Who to find my fav touth baste at wal mart?
- I'm scared of tofu?
- Is eating fish skin bad for your health just as eating chicken skin?
- Want to be vegetarian but I am allergic to peanuts and nuts?
- Are skittles nonvegetarian?!!?
- Vegetarians/Vegans: What if....?
- Will a vegan not wanna kiss a meat eater?
- How to make my smoothie thicker?
- How old were you when you became a vegetarian?
- Do you like cheese lol?
- Who is here because mainly care about ecosystem & biodiversity?
- Vegetarians dont really help animals at all..?!?
- TFI Veggie Friday!?
- What's you favorite vegetable?
- If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true,?
- Is spaghetti sauce bad for you?
- Is it normal for a stressed vegan to think about eating meat?
- Im vegan. From my diet, do you think that I am getting all the vitamins that i need?
- Are there vegans in different cultures besides America?
- Do you believe Atkins diet is healthy?
- What can a vegetarian eat in Japan?
- Have you any good veggie recipes?
- What are tips on becoming a Vegetarian?
- Is PETA actually cruel to animals?
- I'm contemplating becoming a vegetarian....but i have issues...?
- If someone is vegetarian?
- Low fat filling vegan food Ideas? So I can be a less fat vegan?
- Vegan festivals question extended??
- UK stockists of vegan cheese??
- Vegan festivals?
- Vegetarians, have you ever slipped up?
- How do you feel about Vegan Parents?
- What are the best beans etc for eating at the sprouting stage?
- Is there a diet of just fruit and veg.?
- I recently became a pescetarian [vegetarian] but my mom says it is unhealthy for me?
- Why are you vegetarian/vegan?
- What do you think of this quote? True/not true?
- How do you identify which ingredients in soap are made of animal fat ?
- This boy i like is a vegetarian should i be one too?
- Do i get any benefit from eating tortilla chips with flaxseed in it?
- Do you know any long term vegetarians or vegans with any type of cancer?
- Another B12 question!?!?!?!?
- Going veggie..but one concern...?
- Morton coarse kosher salt?
- Poll: what's your favorite hummus???
- Vegans: How long have you been vegan and what is your favorite food?
- Im vegetarian what type of protien will help me get taller?
- How to be a proper vegan?
- Vegetarian food ideas, not fried?
- Question about being a vegan?