Vegetarian & Vegan
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- If you are vegetarian and your spouse is not...?
- What are vegetarians views on animals eating other animals?
- Konw any good healthy vegeterian dishes ?
- What's the best vegan dog food?
- My family doesnt want me to be vegan!?
- Is there any companys that don't mistreat animals?
- Any food(s) that you didn't like as an omni, but now that you're a veg*n....?
- Who was the fist to eat a potatoe?
- Are you a veggie for life?
- Do you like these veggie jokes/statements :)?
- What does this make me?
- How do you prepare homemade veggie burgers?
- What, from Jack Astors, is suitable for vegetarians ?
- Help on vegan / gluten free / not processed food diet ?
- What's your favorite dish that uses seitan?
- How can I eat a lot of veggies?
- Would you kill a fly?
- Fish Oil supplement and Vegetarianism?
- Do you think there was dairy in it?!?!?
- Do you know of any good vegetarian cook books?
- Does bone china really have bones in it?
- How much calcium, magnesium and protein is there in 1 packet of 150ml soy bean milk?
- Could u pls tell me some easy homemade breakfast, lunch & dinner ideas for a working women?
- Vegetarianism and Depression?
- Vegan or not?
- How long have you been Vegan/Vegetarian?!?!?
- Why do people become vegitarians?
- How much do you spend on food for yourself every day?
- Can I substitute Vegan Sugar for Splenda in a cake recipe?
- What is the title for...?
- How do you cook tofu to get a less squishy consistency?
- What's the nutritional value of a sweet potato?
- Is it immoral to kill any creature whatsoever unless it is absolutely necessary for ones survival?
- Can anyone tell me if theres a farm in Pa,called Frankfert Farms,it is in the 878 area code.?
- Tofu?!?!?!?
- Boca products?
- Do u like egg?
- Does going on a raw food diet give you more energy?
- I want to go Vegan but...??
- What does soy milk taste like compaired to milk that comes from cows??
- Non-animal tested shampoos and conditioners?
- Help on becoming a vegan?
- Does anyone know if this is Vegetarian?
- Recipes for vegetarian chili...what is your you use Boca crumbles to substitute for hamburger?
- Teen Vegetarians and Vegans who live with an entire house of met eaters?
- I'm thinking of becoming vegetarian?
- Worried about calcium intake as a vegan?
- VEGETARIANS: Can you help me out? I need some good advice.?
- Vegan supplement?
- Healthy home-made vegetarian cat treats?
- Bed time drink, warm soya milk-vegan question?
- Questions for vegetarians?
- Meat-free stuff at Red Robin restaraunt?
- How to convince my parents to let me be a vegitarian?
- What's healthier normal chicken nuggets, or chik'n nuggets(veggie).?
- How Can I Become A Better Vegetarian (and lose weight )?
- Hippie vegetarian?
- Chicken flavored soup -is it vegetarian?
- Vegan?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- Protesting KFC?
- Have you ever went on a fast?
- Anyone know of a really great vegetarian cookbook?
- Veggie curry?