Vegetarian & Vegan
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- What do you guys think? over the top?
- Veggies- do you eat the meat flavours of walkers crisps?
- I'm Going VEGAN! Pleaseee Help!?
- What is my mom's problem?!?!?
- Anyone have a GREAT Vegan icing recipe?
- Is Quorn any good?
- Is parmesan cheese vegetarian?
- VEGANS, please tell me what you eat.?
- Vegetarian Dinner - balanced enough?
- I`ve got to put Ben , one of my horses , to sleep later on today , is it morally acceptable to eat him ....?
- Cereal substitue?
- Vegan and my hair?
- I can't stop craving dairy!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
- I'm thinking about going vegetarian.?
- Does it bug you when you see advertisements on TV for meat?
- Relocating vegetarian?
- Do vegans/vegetarians own animals?
- What is a vegan exactly?
- Vegans women, I have a personal question...Can you try to help me?
- What has protien in it besides soy and meat?
- Can anybody give me a list on what vegetarians aren't supposed to eat?
- Tofu Buffalo "Chicken"?
- Vegetarians: What do you feed your kids?
- Vegan Friend Worries Me?
- Benefits of being a raw vegan?
- Is there a name for a vegetarian who..?
- I ate Magic Mushrooms will i be okay?
- Do you think if?
- Would you rather go naked than wear fur?
- Is the Kopi Luwak coffee bean vegan?
- Is it wrong to be disgusted by meat eaters?
- Why do some *vegetarians* eat fish?
- I have an english exam after lunch, what should I have to eat before I go?
- Why do vegetarians do this?
- Help, please? I'm really worried about my vegetarian sister's eating habits. (read details)?
- My boyfriend made some food and it contained tofu, everything was fine until I started biting into..?
- Anyone here living on a total fruitarian diet permanently ??
- I ate italian tofurkey sausages... am i going to die?
- . Are vegetarian diets always healthy?
- Why we vegans don't eat honey?
- Economic Collapse!?
- How do you feel about animal testing?
- Why gaining weight?
- Caesar salad n garden salad?
- Any Vegetarians out there ?
- A vegan told me that Cows have feelings, and they mourn when there calf's are taken away?
- How do i reduce the amount of left over oil in cooking?
- Iron levels!!?
- What vitamins can you get from eating cucumbers?
- Why is peta so anti fur?
- Some help for the new veggie girl?
- Why isn't my bell pepper making any noise?
- Are there Vegeterians in Europe? How do they survive?
- How can you stand it?
- Can someone give me a cooking tip?
- What are some flavorful vegatarian recipes?
- Vegans, What do you do when your in someones house?
- Traveling to Spain as a vegan?
- Stir Fry Veggies!?
- How to get PETA stickers?
- Did u ever notice on LOST that Kate sez shes a vegan but was eating bacon earlier at the farmers house?
- How do i make a Vegetarian burger?
- Does any one know any fat Vegetarian's? Or people of the raw food lifestyle?