Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Would any vegetarians like a good sandwhich recipe?
- New Line of Vegan Food?
- How To Stay Vegetarian Without Losing Weight?
- How do you maintain a vegetarian diet when your husband and kids are die hard meat eaters?
- Vegetarian = Low Blood Pressure?
- Why do vegetarians drink alcohol?
- Help with cooking tofu!?
- How do you feel about carnivorous plants?
- Since the Catholic Church has deemed that fish isn't meat, can I eat fish and be a vegan?
- What are some of the wild stunts PETA has pulled off?
- Are there any fruits/vegatables that you can eat whole?
- Nutritional yeast?
- Soy beans are good!?
- Vegetarians better lovers..??
- I need DIP recipes.?
- Made a decision to stop consuming meats and become all vegeterian. I am 24 Could this be a good decision?
- Going (lacto-ovo) veggie, don't want to lose weight...?
- If you believe that animals should not be treated with extreme cruelty, what do you think of the link below?
- Being a vegetarian temporarily for health or being a vegetarian for animal rights?
- Well what about wheat?
- What are the health benefits of chick peas?
- Recipie to prepare a healthy Italian Salad?
- Why do you all get angry?
- Will eating salad right before sleep make me fat?
- What are love apples ?
- Wats exactly a vegan??
- Can a Vegan eat brown bread and raw cane sugar?
- Wanting to become a vegetarian?
- Did you think I intended to do it myself?
- Vegterian sandwich?
- Wal-Mart Vegetarian Shopping?
- Baton Rouge Vegetarian Shopping?
- What curry did I eat?? I dont know the name of it but is was good!!?
- Raw VEgan nETWORK?
- What can a vegan eat? Where can vegans shop for food?? I live in NYC...?
- Is the flexarian diet replacing the vegetarian and vegan cult as far as eithics and health is concerned?
- Is this okay?
- Fruit Question?
- Where can I get Natural Potato Chips?
- Vegan in college?
- Will you save me?
- What kind of stuffed animal would you like to have and why?
- Bacon or Ham flavoring for Vegans or Vegetarians - is it possible?
- Better recipe for ''chicken'' salad?????
- My BF workes as a butcher?
- What are the reasons to stop eating school lunch, and have packed lunch instead?
- What can I use to replace prosciutto in Italian recipes so that the meal is vegetarian?
- I'm a vegan. How do I make dorm food work?
- What is the best way to get protien and iorn (I am borderline anemic) without eating meat?
- Who wants to FORBID HUNTING ?
- What is the best soymilk/tofu maker on the market?
- Why do you become a vegan or vegetarian and why is killing animals wrong but killing plants ok?
- Is the seaweed on Santa Barbara beaches safe to eat?
- How much iron do I need per day?
- Is there any veggie/vegans that would like to become elitists in the secret society?
- What do you call a vegetarian who eats dairy and pultry?
- What is the reason that orthodox jews can not eat meat and dairy together?
- Any fake vegetables?
- Are "fake steaks" acceptable to vegans if they are made of vegan-approved ingredients?
- Vegetarians: If a chicken died of natural death and was not injected with hormones would you eat it?
- Vegans: Would you rather by vegitables from a farm . . .?
- Vegetarian / Non-Vegetarian Relationships?
- If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?