Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Vegan Breads?
- Vegetarians -- how many of you take vitamins??
- What percentage of V&V posters are even V&V?
- Can anyone tell me the diff beween cold pressed org coconut oil and cold pressed org centrifuged coconut oil?
- Is that coffee bean harder or soya bean harder?
- What animal rights organization provides the following?
- United states flash frozen veg where do they sell, from what state?
- Is pineapple good for pain?
- What can I substitute for eggs in a vegetarian cake recipe?
- How long does it take for cheese to spoil?
- I've been a vegetarian for a long time now and I was wondering if anyone has any unique recipes?
- Do soy deli slices taste good?
- What's a good name for a vegetarian/vegan club?
- Can vegans eat dark chocolate?
- Vegan shopping?
- Why do i think fruits and veggies taste weird?
- Why do people try to shove meet in my face?
- ? about Juicing green leafy vegetables?
- Is there a difference between Japanese miso and English miso?
- Is there a shoe brand that is vegan-friendly or sweat shop free?
- Vegans...?
- Vegans!! why do you do it?
- Do vegan parents breastfeed their babies?
- My bf had the leather seats ripped out of his car?
- Calcium in foods?
- Would they have to starve?
- What do you think of Meat analogue?
- It is really hot everyday or it is just you?
- What advice/tips can you give to a new vegetarian?
- What are vegans allowed to eat??
- How many different types of salad exist ?
- Hi.... need help with carrots?
- Vegetarian protien choices?
- Is it supposed to be rainbow colored?
- Do any vegetarians or vegans here have personal experience w/eliminating nightshade vegetables from your diet?
- Is it vegetarian if I eat only cheese, eggs and chicken along with fruits and veggies?
- Do vegitatains eat animal crackers?
- Where can I find this 'fake meat'?
- What is the most humane way to dispose of.......?
- List of Recipes for Lazy Vegetarians?
- I jus hav a question for sum vegitarians?
- Vegan problems with friends??
- Does fish contain selotape?
- Brown or White?
- If all 6,000,000,000 humans started eating only plants...?
- Why do some people equivicate animals to people?
- Why is 'killing animals for food' wrong?
- Plants are living things too. Did you know that?
- Opposite of vegetarian?
- So many vegetarian and vegan questions?
- What to buy for vegetarian?
- Do vegans have a problem with animals getting killed, animals getting killed and eaten, or both?
- To all the vegans.........?
- Sesame seeds N paneer,how to used them?
- Dear vegetarians- what about shellfish?
- Thinking about a major dietary change? Raw/organic diet (not necessarily vegetarian).?
- What is a great recipe for vegan chocolate peanut butter cups?
- How come no section for carnivors?
- Vegetarian kids and teens, please help?
- If you are a vegetarian, what info can you give me?
- Vegans: Headaches when first changing over to vegan?
- Is it possible to be a fat vegetarian?
- Why do people hate veggies who eat fish?