Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Does anyone have a recipe for marshmallows that uses marshmallow root?
- Need some "raw" filling food ideas?
- What does a vegetarian think about sport fishing?
- Do all noodles and breads contain eggs?
- Fave Veggie Burgers?
- If Vegans don't eat meat because of the cruelty to animals: then all y'all are just hypocrites!?
- Is it possible for a vegetarian or vegan to do low carb?
- Is eating organic and/or vegetarian better for you than just eating normal homecooked meals?
- What advert had the slogan "there tasty tasty very very tasty there very tasty"?
- Your best vegan cookie recipe!?
- Tofu side effects . . .?
- Is it ok to be a vegetarian?
- What's your trick to filling up on salad?
- Am I fat?? PLEZZ ANSWER?
- If everyone became a vegan/vegetarian, what would happen to farm animals?
- Finding gum, yogurt, flax seed oil?
- What is a breatarian?
- What kellogs product are suitable for vegetarians?
- Vegan with an ant problem.?
- Vegetarians - What are your thoughts on dairy?
- How to cook tofu with microwave?
- VEGANS - What convinced you to become a Vegan?
- Does anyone know a cheap vegetarian diet?
- So far today.?
- What's it like to become a veggie person or vegan?
- Going to Mexico vegetarian?
- Do you eat other living breathing creatures?
- What's the difference between a vegatrian and a vegan?
- Do pringles contain any animal byproduct?
- Good Vegetarian and/or vegan restaurant in Cambrige/Boston area? Or place w/good creative veg/vegan dishes?
- Soy milk Vs. Skim Milk?
- Does holoumi cheese have a very similar texture and flavour to tofu?
- What's a good vegan veggie dip?
- Can you take on this BBQ challenge?
- Vegan moms-do you stop your children from eating meat and dairy?
- Do any of u veggie or vegans wanna add me on myspace or facebook?
- What kinds of foods can I eat......?
- I think I want to become a non-meat eater.....?
- Animal lover and total hypocrite?
- Vegans, If You Were Stranded In The Middle Of No Where And The Only Edible Thing Had A Face, Would Ya??
- Name a seafood that you'd never eat no matter how good you herd it was?
- Easiest garden veggies to raise ?
- Why are vegetarians so unhealthy looking .?
- Which raw vegetables have the most protien?
- Canned or bagged Chickpeas, which do you prefer ?
- What is a good soy milk ice cream recipe with no gelatin or tofu for a standard ice cream maker.?
- How did fruit get their names?
- Things to do with beans and chickpeas?
- How many VEGANs are there out there?
- Do yall think that the way KFC kills chickens in just?
- How do you handle?
- Veggie / Vegan friendly resturants/pubs in North Wales please?
- Who was the first person to say "vegetarians don't get enough protein"?
- Meat Substitutes?
- Is tumbleweed a sentient being, or just a dead plant?
- Is being VEGAN the same as being a VAGITARIAN?
- What are the basic things that I need to know to become a vegitarian?
- How did you become vegan?
- Vegan Problem?
- Can a vegan still wok/walk his dog?
- Do u eat beef?
- Are people really this stupid???
- Do people that start to eat vegetarian gain alot of weight?