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- What's the difference between snacking and eating 6 meals a day?
- What kind of juice is better for you?
- What does cat taste like or dog i think they look slightly tastey?
- What kind of snack should I get at the store?
- True or false: you like sugary food?
- Who started putting ranch on pizza? and when?
- Do you like circus funnel cakes?
- Do you know what the.......?
- Does anybody know......?
- I fancy a cup of hot chocolate but there's no clean cups left.......?
- What's your favorite candy/chocolate???
- Who thinks Sandra Lee is a joke on Semi-Homemade?
- What is the best type of tea to drink? Which gives the greater benefits?
- Marks and Spencer - Charging 5p per shopping bag?
- Do brown eggs taste different than white eggs?
- WHY do you order diet coke at a restaurant with a 1500+ calorie entree??
- Why does powdered hot cocoa mix dissolve in hot/warm milk better than cold/room temperature milk?
- Okay for dinner tonight what should i have?
- Why can you not refreeze meat?
- Thermos flasks?
- Foods with artificial sweeteners?
- Vegetarian Sandwich filling ideas?
- What's your favorite dinner ever?
- Do you like Butterfinger Hot Cocoa?
- On average, how much do you spend on food for just yourself per day?
- What should I do with my cookies?
- What's so wrong about eating only fruits and vegetables???
- Where can i find those starbucks sandwiches in bulk?
- How much is that?
- What is the best affordable cheese out there?
- Can anyone tell me where to buy cashew wine in the U.S?
- Can you give me 100 different sandwhiches?
- What is the one food.....?
- Ingredients on a bacon roll.......?
- Do you dab the grease off your pizza before you eat it?
- How do you crackle gum when you chew it?
- Trix are for kids?
- How do they get popsicle sticks only halfway into the popsicle?
- Going to buy a slow cooker, what size shall i buy?
- USA has the best selection of Pringles! Where can i buy them and have delivered to the UK apart from eBay?
- Pancakes many times a week U eat them?
- Do you include more carbs in your diet than you used to?
- Will you be going to McDonald's to get their new "gourmet coffee"?
- How did cottage cheese get it's name?
- Have you ever eaten a king cake.?
- Whats the best popcorn maker to buy?
- Anyone know the name of this mexican candy?
- Mooth waterin' raw bacon!!!?
- Keeping Restaurant Juice cold???
- If you order a free-range chicken from the butchers?
- Do you like sweet ripe cherries?
- Do you want a polo?
- Buying cruelty-free chicken! UK people?
- Are canned foods dangerous to health when I eat them almost everyday?
- Are swizzle sticks edible, coz I seem to have one stuck in my throat...?
- Re-usable "Celebrations" tins, has anyone reused theirs for anything else yet?
- Mascarpone cheese?
- How to kill the hotness from chilli peppers?
- What vegetable/s is comfort food to you?
- How much blood can you drink before you get sick?
- How com a lot of people don't believe in fish tacos?
- Who makes youre breakfast ever morning?
- Average weekly food bill for a family of 4, is it really £180 ?