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- Why did the baker get brown hands.....?
- Selecting Discount Cookware Sets?
- Anyone out there eat items from Schwans?
- Who loves T.G.I. Friday's potato skins?!?
- What is a pie? And also what is a cookie and a cake and a chocolate bar?
- What did you have or are planning to have for breakfast this morning?
- Would u use a fruit cake as a doorstop or eat it?
- I saw a question about navy frogmen, and it got me to wondering?
- Did any one ever eat arabain food ??..wat do u think ab it????
- What could cause otherwise good honey to taste awful?
- Where can i buy Zampone and italian Panettone in Saginaw Michigan?
- Chai Tea Latte?
- Is there iron in burnt toast?
- Pasteurized Juice Safety?
- What do u do when u cant get a taste out of your mouth?
- Do they have machines to pluck chickens with or are they hand plucked?
- What type of tea should you buy to brew in a kettle? Any suggestions on brewing tea?
- This question always bothers me: Is tomato a fruit or vegatable?
- Do you like chimi cha chas?
- Easy to digest foods?
- What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
- Is there a proper way to eat pomegranates?
- What's yer fsavorite cereal?
- What is best way to get people stop giving us liquor, candy, lottery tix??
- Do You Like Hotdogs?
- Rachael Ray or Giada De Laurentiis?
- The riping of bananas?
- Silly question. should i eat because i have to or because i want to?
- What did people do before the oven was invented?
- When was the oven invented?
- Can 16 cans of Red Bull in the space of 2 hours kill you?
- What's your favorite sort of candy?
- Pringles mouth?
- I have just opened a box of Thorntons Chocs would you like share?
- What oil do I use in my t-fal ez clean deep fryer?
- Do you like drink dark coffee or tea ?
- Why is Tesco selling Easter Eggs already!!! - it really has annoyed me?
- I'm starving! it's almost midnight, what should i eat?
- Why do stores sell only red Raspberries?
- If you were to lose 1 thing from ur regular food, what would u miss most, and why?
- Favorite candy??
- What do people from the phillipenes eat?
- I drank way too much coffee... How do I calm down?
- Have you ever eaten more than 1200 calories in one day?
- How do the people (farmers?) kill sheep, chickens, pigs etc that we eat?
- Turkey smells horible day after cooking?
- Ok, be honest, do you like spam the food?
- What does coffee smell like?
- What does chocolate taste like?
- How many days does it take for Carrot Cake to spoil and do you have to keep it refrigerated?!?
- Do you like coconut cake?,I think it is the best!?
- Healthy, cheap, school lunch ideas?
- Question on popcorn!?
- How do I get my school district to eat only organic foods?
- Mouth on fire after hot cheetos!! help!!!?
- Except for the meat isle.what isle would you go to first if you had 5 minutes to load your cart for free ?
- Can I eat a piece of cheesecake that was left out overnight?
- Jelly bellies?
- Can butter make you sick?
- How come people say they ate the last piece of gum, when they really just chew it?
- What's the weirdest food that you like to eat?
- How do vegetarians get so tubby?
- Who knows the best place to go New Years Eve?