Wine & Spirits
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- How long should it take for me to be completely piss drunk?
- Whats a good 40oz beer?
- Do I have to obtain a liquor lisence to give a client a free drink..?
- The best thing to drink till you pass out?
- Which 1800 Tequila is best?
- Do you believe that drinking two beers while smoking 2 cigarettes is very relaxing?
- How to open a beer without an opener?
- I think i should smoke weed for the first time. how about u?
- Drinking games?
- Drinking and driving?
- What is a top shelf brand of gin & vodka?
- Why do people label other people? dose it make other people feel better??
- There's a special kind of red wine that's sweet, or something they add to it to make it sweet...what is it?
- Has anybody ever heard of smoking shredded jerky???
- Leopard print liquor bottle?
- I'm feeling a liiiittle tipsy...?
- At what age can you buy cigarettes?
- Absolut World - has anyone else seen this?
- What does smoking feel/taste like?
- Does anyone know how to make Morning Glory wine?
- What is you craziest drunk storey ???
- What do you think about WINE..???
- Consequences for drinkin under the age of 18 and getting a breathalyzer test that is .007?
- Bartending tricks?
- Why do some wine bottles have weaved wire around them?
- WHISKY&RUM It's well known that old blended whisky and rum are BEST, What about beer ,?
- Best Food to eat before Beer Festival?
- I have heard of Hard liquor is there such thing as soft liquor?
- Is it true that red wine is fattening?
- Cocktail & Martini Questions!?
- Skoal or Marlboro?
- Anyone excited about this new beer from NewBelgium?
- How to French exhale ciggarette smoke?
- Home Winemaking - Good Sites For Winemaking Recipes?
- Name of a beer..initals are R D and its a college beer..what is it?
- Has anyone ever drank a slippery nipple?whats it taste like?
- If i Had a rock Star energy drink yesterday and have a beer otday there would beno problem.?
- How long does drunk last?
- Wine is a mocker?
- Name of flavored carbonated water. not clearly canadian.?
- Does Vodka rasberry 70% have less calories than if I were to dring beer (MGD)?
- How long can unrefrigerated 80 proof vodka last?
- Jagermeister straight or mixed?
- Can I buy liquor in bulk online?
- Can sizzurp be harmful??
- What would you need to make your own beer?
- Does anyone know if or where I can buy Fortuna cigarettes in the UK?
- Bud light or Miller light?
- OH NO..I only got 1 beer left..?
- Why cant i drink as much as i used to?
- What is worse alchohol or marijuana?
- What is a sweet liquor i can drink that's going to get me drunk and can find a Walmart?
- What is your preference in vodka?
- I had some vodka tonight. Why am I feeling like this?
- Suggestions for mixed drinks (Bacardi Gold, Jagermeister, Kaluha)?
- I want to loose weight but i like to drink....?
- Whats the best way to past level 16 on apple shooter?
- What age does beer start tasting better?
- I am 19 years old and want to get drunk but dont have anybodyto get me liqour?
- Wat are the ingredients r there in beer?
- Just curious...when you are drinking-what music do you prefer?
- Having one of those"just kill me now"days!!!?
- After consuming five drinks in one hour and 45 mins. and blowing a .117 on a breathalizer is it prosable to?