Wine & Spirits
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- Any delicious drinks with little alcohol?
- Does anyone know any brands of rolling tobacco that are menthol? I have only seen regular rolling tobacco?
- How long should I wait before driving after 8 pint bottles of Magners?
- What are ya drinkin tonight?
- How long do Cigars such as the Philies Blunts stay good for, before they aren't worth smoking?
- Does anyone else think that that's vodka in those "water" bottles that Steve drinks?
- Which do you prefer to drink-drinking beer, alcoholic drinks, or both?
- What should I drink tonight???
- Good Marijuana Price.......?
- What is h20?
- What tidbit do you like to eat with your cocktail?
- What is an alchohol i can make at my house?
- I just swallowed 5 beer bottle caps and feeling sick? what should I do?
- Ok how bout this one then....... A Large Cold Bottle Of Cider with a glass of ice OR a Vodka?
- Which would u perfer and this is a hard one..... VODKA or SOTHERNCOMFORT....... Dere both just so nice?
- Y is it that we have to get hangovers.. can we not just go out and get drunk and be fine the morning after?
- What is a worse drink for you?
- Good Evening Fellow Answers...... ?
- Where can I get 100% Alcohol for drinking?
- Can any body list the effects of an alcoholic father???
- Do light beers and regular beer have different alcohol content?
- Beer pong table and bar?
- I thought alcohol doesnt freeze???
- Which do u guys prefer, natty ice or natty light???
- Is it bad if you are in college and you have no desire to drink?
- If people are so against drinking then why do they come to beer wine and spirits?
- What in your opinion ,IS the best Lager/Beer/Bier in the world?
- Whats do you know about Japanese alochol?
- Hookah Wonders?
- What are you all drinking tonight?
- Choices for what wine to make?
- I love grapes.?
- Why does cider make you feel sick?
- Why is there a line of bumps at the base of a wine bottle?
- Legal drinking age in Cabo or Cancun?
- How soon after getting lap band surgery can i drink?
- Whats your favourite wine ??
- How much is a 30 pack of coors?
- I chowed two tacos.. bad stomach.. what to do?
- Where can i buy budweiser light in the uk?
- People from uk?
- How many pints is there in a keg of beer?
- Why do you get drunk faster when drinking out of a straw?
- How to make an Disaronno Sour??? Alcoholic Drink?
- How many more Mike's hard berry until I get a headache?
- Beer-alcoholic?
- Irish Coffeee?
- Do you like to get drunk or do you rather stay sober?
- Did you ever get drunk before and if so, what did it do to you and how did it make you feel?
- What is the best wine....for less then 50 bucks a bottle?
- What is that alcohol called.. its in a green bottle?
- Whats good to mix with Gin?
- I love the Bacardi drink "Hurricane" but someone tried to tell me that alone it is only a cocktail mix.
- Tell me everyting you know about Jagermeister?
- If drinking and driving is illegal then why do bars have parking lots ?
- How big is the bottle of Grey Goose that is a little more than$50?
- Is finlandia vodka or koskenkorva available in washinton?
- For pot smokers?
- Its friday, so what drink you gonna kick back and relax with tonight?
- How expensive are?
- To drunk to fxck.....?
- Any alcoholic drinks/coctail recipes for fussy people who only drink alcopops?
- What is your fav hard drink??? and how do u like it???? :-)?