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- where can i buy smorz cereal?
- is Chinese fried rice deep fried, or pan fried?
- Why can't I eat when I'm hungry?
- Where can I get fresh honey roasted peanuts?
- POLL: Which do you prefer, Mashed Potatoes or Homemade French Fries?
- Whats a delicious tasting champagne for weddings?
- If I'm "in love", is it normal to bot be hungry?
- Fresh baking powder...does it matter? 10 pts :-)?
- Please name all foods that has geletine in it or jelly similar products?
- What would Lean Meat Mince Meat be like?
- is eating to much black pepper bad for you?
- Polls: What's your favorite gum!!!?
- just took some meat out of the freezer and its all brown? is it bad?
- how long do dominos sauces last?
- Frozen Thin mints or Room Temp?
- When I say FIBER - what foods come to mind?
- What's your favorite...?
- why does vacuum packaged meat turn brown?
- I never know what to eat anymore? Any ideas..?
- where can I buy Bernstein's French Dressing in or near zip 92627?
- Nothing tastes good....?
- If an oil is solid at room temperature ...?
- what is a good .......?
- can my dog eat sherbert?
- Does eating cottage cheese or cream cheese before bed give you nightmares?
- What size fries come in an Arby's Combo Meal?
- Will eating meat that's a week past the expiration date do anything?
- Wisdom teeth, Low fat things to eat?
- What foods are the best?
- call me crazy, but didn't there used to be a king-sized Starburst pack?
- what was the name of those egg candy?
- which flavour of Doritos do you like?
- Cadbury's Dairy Milk Tasters!!?
- Can anyone tell me how to losing belly fats without gaining muscles?
- How come extra virgin olive oil doesn't have an expiration date on it?
- Which orange is the most acidic?
- How do u get wrappers off lollies if they are stuck?
- did i eat too much today?
- How should oregano be stored?
- Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?
- What is your favorite chocolate candy bar?
- how many loops are on a Hostess cup cake?
- How unhealthy would eating a 500g container of creamy coleslaw be?
- what did you have for breakfast today?
- What is the name of the ginger ale that has chunks of real ginger in it?
- what to eat for breakfast?
- How do you cut a steak?
- What company has the best coffee?
- What are the biggest vaccum seal bags?
- Do you like Rasins? And if you do in/with what?
- The most effective treatment for treating premature ejaculation?
- Can I still eat my pizza?
- roasted chicken thigh with garlic and herb skin,crispy potato wedges&roasted vegetables, does this sound nice?
- your favorite breakfast foods?
- Is eating fruit out of season in your country bad?
- Are there any good place to watch online channels tv for free?
- what foods are high in carbs?
- Where can you get freeze dried ice cream/astronaut ice cream in Maryland?
- SCIENTIFICALLY how do cucumbers become pickles?
- Hi pls answer me please?
- What are your top 5 candy bars of all time?
- ANSWERS PLEASE: i'm heading off to a buffet?
- Has something ever tasted so bad in a cafeteria that you wanted to throw up?