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- Which foods give you a ton of energy?
- ...Are rice cakes empty calories..?
- What happens when someone breathes on food?
- How would i properly store le gruyere cheese after it has been opened?
- please list specific foods which contain a lot of gluten?
- Do guys prefer chicken-fried steak or pot roast?
- Why is sea salt better than normal salt? Or is it?
- How much is a old style bbq grill worth?
- Why does the pan burn?
- i just got spacers and not exactly sure what i should and shouldnt eat.?
- ________ is a type of bacteria found in contaminated water, raw or rare beef and unpasteurized apple juice?
- why is it that fat people eat at fast food reasturants?
- is olive pomace oil edible?
- should i make rosemary tea or just eat leaves? whats safer?
- Why does milk taste nasty by itself but...?
- Why does this orange seem bad to eat?
- whats the better brown sauce HP or Daddys?
- Can anyone tell me how to lose stomach fat without gaining muscles?
- What can i eat to be healthier?
- Why do Jazz apples smell like mildew?
- Where's pancakes house?
- Jolly Rancher Lollipops?
- Is this antique silverware set worth anything? It's inscribed with "1835 r. wallace mermod jaccard & co&qu
- What is this Japanese candy called? Little purple people?
- Does eating prunes have the same effect as drinking prune juice?
- What should we order tonight?
- what Lollipop flavor is better strawberry or blueberry?
- What's your favourite traditional school pudding?
- does stores still sale butter cookies with cherry filling in the package any more?
- How much sugar in traditional Thai tea?
- does the way food look affect our taste?
- Are eggs still good after leaving in the car?
- What do truffles taste like (not the chocolate kind) and why are they such a commodity?
- Can you tell me if I'm doing this right?
- is cotton candy a fruit?
- Is it healthier cold rather than hot!?
- Question about sour candy and it's effects on the tongue?
- when and how did you become interested in the foodservice industry?
- Is there a way to taste foods while you have a bad cold?
- Hurry! What should I eat for lunch????!!!!!!?
- Is peanut butter considered junk food?
- Do you eat any weird food combinations?
- HELP! I forgot How to eat this brown solid substance...any help would be thanked?
- Is the night time drink bourne vita still available?
- If you get Food Poison can it be from something you ate that day?
- Chocolate and wafer balls with faces on them?
- Getting high off bananas??
- Is there a good website to watch satellite tv streaming online?
- Why aren't my leeks sandy?
- what is the use of adultering milk?
- What should I eat for breakfast?
- Should I have bacon and eggs or an omelet?? And is there any special item you add to either?
- grocery shopping coupons?
- Who makes the best chocolate in the world?
- WHOLEMEAL VENDING, its features?
- When can I ice cupcakes?
- What should I get for groceries, if I am living in a hotel?
- does adding hot sauce to your food speed up your metabolism ?
- Microwave food isn't good for you?
- How long would I have to shake this small carton of milk before it turns into butter?
- Will adding a tablespoon or two or Soy Protein or Soy Flour to your soup make for any problems?
- i ate out of date hommus from the fridge? is that alright?
- What would you want more? Chicken or Beef?