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- Re-freezing fish?
- Sea Salt or Table Salt?
- Do you like chocolate?
- Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
- What are your favorite ideas for fundraiser dinners or food related events?
- Are Hot Dogs and Hamburgers Sandwiches?
- Which ones are healthier for you, barn eggs or fresh range eggs?
- What makes green jello green?
- Why are eggs always brown, we don't get white eggs anymore in uk?
- Do you hate chicken?
- Have you seen sugercane swizzle sticks in the grocery store?
- What was is on an original Rubin Sandwich?
- What are some really good frozen meals?
- Is there a food your parents and or grand parents make/made that you wish you learned how to do?
- Will I get sandy turds from chewing sunflower seeds then swallowing them?
- Do you have a strange obsetion with twinkies?
- Why does it hurt to swallow things such as drink, food, etc.?
- Why is it.....?
- Who cant function without..?
- Why is it when i have an upset stomache i can eat some hot peppers & it settles down?Also i take some --------
- Online food shopping?
- What is the most delicious food you have ever eaten?
- I bought a packet of frozen mochi in the supermarket. Do I need to cook it before eating?
- If you could have any of these....?
- Roughly how much is 45g in a cup?
- Where can I find nutrition information for WET spaghetti?
- What do you think about this article, "French Women Don't Get Fat"?
- Do you like to eat sausage and gravy biscuits?
- Does anyone else find?
- What are some good snacks?
- What are some good winter snacks?
- I'm off to the fridge, can I get you something?
- After eating anything salted, my tongue feels weird.?
- Can you eat a steamed domestic duck egg?(with little small duck inside)?
- Is the white stringy bit on oranges good for you?
- Spicy candy?
- Why is it, when I have a snack before bedtime, I wake up starving?
- What would you rather eat?
- Blanched pasta? Is that the same as Bleached flour?
- Do you LOVE bacon?
- Does unrefined coconut oil smell bad?
- I'm hungry...?
- What is your addiciton?
- Why do people eat breakfast so late in the morning?
- What type of ice cream do you like?
- What is your favourite kind of cheese?
- I need a cheese lover's opinion - 10 pts?
- Is catfish good for you?
- Where and when do I put a meat tjhermometer in the turkey????
- If cookies are put in ziploc bags, will they go stale?
- I have a thawed refridgerated turkey....what is it's healthy life span (refidgerated???
- Who would eat mac and cheese every day if they could?
- What is your favorite chewing gum?
- Is it CHEESE time again ?
- Favorite Holiday Candy?
- Whats the better blueberry or cherry?
- Accidently stuck bag of potatoes in freezer... can I save them?
- What is the secret to cooking deer meat that makes it so good?
- Why do people eat Brussel Sprouts?
- When you eat chillis?
- Do Americans think we English have tea & crumpets everyday?
- Guilty pleasures (food..nothing dirty..LOL)?
- Anyone know where to get green tea ice cream in Ohio?