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- How many calories does a veg pizza contain?
- Why do chicken super noodles always give me the squits?
- Favorite pop tarts?
- How can I make Green Tea taste more palatable, I hate the taste but want to persevere for health reasons?
- Sleepover runthrough!?
- What's the difference between a Danish and an Eclair?
- Why do children love pizza so much?
- Who invented the cheese danish?
- I want to know...What Ceasar dressing i could buy that taste just like the restaurants???
- What makes me crave Pasta ?
- Whats your?????
- What are you???
- Where can I buy cherry baking chips in Frisco, TX?
- Don't you love Peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches?
- What does horse taste like? why don't we eat horse? is it becuase of their value as transportation and workers
- Do you like to eat, or eat to live?
- Does any one eat zingers?
- Which food has more types of it, Italian or ribs?
- When you get to the bottom of a cereal box?
- If you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your me
- What is the one food your "addicted to" right now.?
- Do you think Rachael Ray could have a drinking problem? Details inside...?
- Weirdest ice cream flavor?
- How come biscuits always taste good when theyre fresh ou tof the oven but they arent as good as leftovers?
- Is anybody against eating leftover food from the previous days lunch/dinner??
- Is milk hydrating?
- What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
- What kind of desserts were popular in the year 1950 and in the old west?
- Brazil Nuts?
- Is it true that Coca Cola originally had cocaine in it?
- I had a slice of pizza and a bread stick,can i ?
- Sachertorte in the deep freezer?
- I thawed a chicken on Sunday. Will it keep in the fridge until Thursday?
- Should Americans pay more tax on food because they are fatter than other people in other countries?
- What do they call that stuff u find at a theme park with strings or fried dough with powdered surgar?
- If you take pure sugar and grind it.. will it become real powdered sugar??
- What's the difference between regular olive oil..?
- Whats your favorite munchie?
- Truffle Oil?
- How much is a packet of Annas Pepparkakor in Sweden these days?
- Jawbreakers - How do they dry so fast? Are they magic?
- Whats the best tasting loaf bread?
- How come nobody has invented chocolate gum yet?
- Does anyone sell plain caramel apples that are suitable for shipping that don't have nuts or other toppings?
- Do you ever go out to your local Cafe for Breakfast? what do you order?
- What was your favorite cereal as a child growing up?
- What's your favorite meal?
- How to say "pista" in english? in french?
- I ate too much and feel sick?
- Do you all go for a big blow out christmas day, list the things you will eat n drink?
- What kind of gum to do you usually chew?
- I've got a box of cupcakes, who wants one?
- What fruits & vegetables are seasonal?
- Sardines in a tin?
- How does cranberry taste like ?
- Food gift menu?
- What would be a typical menu of Italian foods?
- Any foods that you just LOVE to savor the taste of?
- Is it safe to wash and reuse plastic cups?
- Can I re-use charcoal briquette's if they haven't completely ashed away from a previous grilling session?
- What is your favourite boost juice and why?
- What are you eating today and why is it that?
- Munchies .?