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- Can you name me some common unpasteurized cheese please?
- How much do you tip the pizza person?
- Have you tried the thai chili hot wings from wing zone?
- Cracked open an egg and there was red in the whites of the egg?
- What strange mix of food do you eat?
- How is natural sugar found in fruits differ from refined/proccesed sugar?
- SCRIMP (shrimp)?
- What is your favorite flavor of Gatorade?
- What is milk chocolate made of?
- Who is right?
- What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
- Does anyone remember the REAL ice cream.....?
- People spread jam & butter on me; is this natural or should I be concerned?
- What foods contain Vitamin B?
- I really like jello. Do you??
- I overdosed on Reeses Peanut Butter Cups?
- Is there American cheese in other countries?
- I fancy a takeaway. should I order from the Chinese or the kebab shop?
- Does Sandra Lee bug you?
- What are good types of travel food?
- Are the new sirloin hot dogs wasteful of good meat? Do they really taste better then the regular ones?
- Vegemite in Los Angeles?
- Christmas Cookie Calories?
- Whats the most disgusting food you have ever tried?
- Whats a good name for a chocolate store?
- How do you like your cookies?!?!?
- What food will you never eat?
- What sort of things do they sell at the german market in brum uk?
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
- What is the difference between Brandy Butter and Brandy Sauce.?
- How many people out there really like the taste of Fruitcakes? Why???
- Is there a candy equivalent for toothpicks?
- What is your favorite snack?????
- Is there such thing as eatable paint? And can I buy it in Nova Scotia?
- Howmany minutes per lb. at what temp for prime rib?? Help...?
- What happened to the frito chile and limon chips?
- Where can I buy a Krabby Patty?
- What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder and?
- I ate a piece of fish, and i got a piece of bone stuck in my throat?
- What is better: local or organic food?
- Can someone in London please deliver a chicken for?
- How can i ripen my green bananas to yellow more quickly?
- Stainless steel cookware vs. nonstick?
- What is the addictive properties of Frujus?
- Frozen Pixie Caramels?
- Is a lime considered a fruit?
- When it comes to food are you close minded or open minded??
- What 3 types of cookies should I bake for school & work?
- A chili question? Too many a health risk?
- Have your tastes changed with age?
- What is the difference between a Pickle and a Cucumber?
- Favorite dessert?
- Butter????
- How do you eat yours ???
- Has anyone had an Expresso Frappuccino Light at Starbucks?
- Whats your food heaven and food hell?
- Help! I ate a lotta salt and water is not making me unthirsty!?
- Family gift exchange with a kitchen theme?
- Are skittles made from pig fat???????
- Diet coke and mentos?
- What does " im on cheese and crackers" mean...?