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- Does anyone know? I am very curious about this..?
- Why do they call hot dog's, "hot dog's"?
- Foods and drinks for stress?
- How do I get store bought bread crumbs to stick?
- What is the hottest pepper in the world ?, and how many scoville units does it have?
- Starbuck's Light Frapuccino?
- What's the name of the ice cream that's square? It's was made is the 90's.?
- Does you sip syrup?
- Does watching people eat make you sick?
- OK smartspants let me hear you?
- Is it true that the cows blood touches the cows milk in the udder?
- What is your favorite fruit?
- Is American Bison any good? Does it taste good?
- What was the answer to the question of the fruit that is popular around July 4th, but is really a vegetable?
- Are you a Vegetarian... if so why??
- What flavors of ice cream does the brand Lactaid make?
- Will You Make Me Eat My Veggies?
- How do you eat your oreos?
- Does caviar have that harmful thing called 'mercury' in it?
- Do you give your sausages a good forking?
- Whats the diffrence between Mars Bar and Snickers Bar?
- Do you prefer honey or sugar to sweeten your tea?
- Name a food item you refuse two eat?
- What's every ones favorite side dish at thanksgiving?
- Did u know that when cheese breaks down in ur system it forms opiates?
- What is the REAL reason everybody is hopped up about kiwis for?
- Who really doesn't like the taste of turkey?
- What is or was your favorite school lunch?
- What are some health benifits from eating cow liver?
- I am making a Disaster box What kind of can goods should be placed in it ?
- Other "Freedom" Foods?
- How can you keep your eyes from becoming dilated while rolling?
- Do you like orange sherbet ice cream?
- Where can I buy a Rachel Ray Sankuto knife?
- Pizza preferance?
- Whats the differance between iodized and non-iodized salt or sea salt?
- Is it unsafe to keep opened foods (particularly meats) in metal- foil, cans etc?
- APPROVED! now the party....?
- What else can you put in your car besides gas?
- I bought some Minute Made OJ today! and it's only 47% Orange Juice!?
- How many almonds are there in ONE ounce?
- How long are almonds good for?
- I AM KING BENZOATE ACESULFAME DIMETHYLYSIL and what is your favourite food?
- Is it bad to thaw meat in room temp (warm) or hot water?
- Why do people think that buying food labelled as organic is healthier?
- What are the healthiest comfort foods to eat when i feel down?
- Onion Growing Question?
- Coffee poll - which do you prefer?
- Why is Chef Batali leaving Iron Chef?
- Whats your favourite choccie bar? mines a double decker?
- Uggghh ahhhh eghhh. i dont feel good.....ehhhh?
- What is the best way to eat pineapple?
- Where is a Strawberry eating contest?
- How to get the butter in the middle of the popcorn bucket, when at the self serve butter stations?
- Is it okey to eat fresh carrots? I just got the dirt off by useing a knife?
- Is cookie dough safe to eat? what would happen if i ate it before putting them in the oven?
- Which is better Worcester sause or tomato ketchup crisps?
- What's your favorite salad dressing????
- Vitamin water after taste?
- Does fruit last longer if you leave them out of the fridge or put them in?
- Who likes fruit-flavoured chocolates?
- Macoroni and cheese?