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- Who loves aero chocolate?
- Who whats chips I'm going out soon to buy some?
- What is Ur fave fruit?
- How many animal species have you knowingly consumed?
- Bought fresh mexican restaurant salsa 8 days ago, is it safe to eat now?
- How do people who kill fruit and veg live with them self's?
- Do you eat in your bed?
- Does anyone know where I can purchase Sam's Club Inulgent mix, its fruit and nut mixed in a bag. Thank-you!!!!
- What kind of dougnut would u like?
- Discontinued chocolate bar.I've been going mad trying to remember the name of a chocolate bar.?
- Consuming fire extinguisher powder- is it dangerous or poisonous?
- Pot- is it always better heated by flame?
- Heartburn from Cold Water ??
- Breakfast at my house tomorrow????
- Brak wants to know, "Will they charge more for the tasty fatty foods"?
- What really does make your mouth water?
- How do you make a good homemade Lemonade?
- Whats the healthest single piece of food.?
- The 100th person to answer this question will get BEST ANSWER......?
- I just ate a heaping pile of rancis potting soil and a side dish of sawdust. What's for dessert?
- What food doesn't agree with you?
- What do you like to drink with your Hot Wings?
- What are hotdogs made out of?
- Which chocolates? Roses or Quality Street?
- Whats your favourite side order.?
- HELP!! I only have $3.50 for 1 week. What type of food should I buy?
- Is any food real now days?
- Is it okay to keep peanut butter in the cupboard after it's open?
- Which is better, margarine, butter?
- Chopping garlic......?
- Does anyone else dislike the taste of alcohol?
- Favorite cold drink?
- I'm confused about processed meats. how do i eat healthy lunch meat? where do i find non-cancer causing meats?
- Please read my Mission Statement and tell me what you think?
- Favorite cereal?
- How do they put labels on bottles?
- If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then what does two apples do?
- If you are what you eat what food would you be?
- I'm eating Doritos collisions w/fritos bean dip while drinking a red bull. And you?
- Do you enjoy sardines?
- Why do they fill water bottles with 16.9oz of water instead of just filling them with 17oz?
- How long is Chinease take out left overs safe to eat?
- What makes up the "cream filling" in hostess? snacks?
- What is your favorite aroma ?
- I'm hungry. What should I eat?
- Does anyone else think eating an entire chocolate cake is a bad idea?
- What is the best breakfast ?
- What fruit do you think is most interesting looking?
- What would be a food I could sneak into the movies that is cheap, quick to make or get, and very filling?
- Why can't you find Pumpkins to buy after Halloween in the UK?
- Can you actually drink too much water?
- In ur opinion, what is BEST, most juicy & flavorful brands of Turkey & Ham, that can be bought @ the store?
- Brak wants to know, "Can crabmeat be considered brain food"?
- Is there such thing as brain food?
- Would you ever eat snake?
- My two year old son loves eating raw onions. Anyone else love this same delicacy?
- What is the difference between "Crostini" and " Bruschetta" ?
- Buy British food? No thanks, we’re from the Government?
- What exactly is MSG?
- I'd love to buy an espresso machine....?
- What's the difference between a latte and espresso?
- What should i eat for lunch?