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- What causes soda to be that dark color?
- Vegetables?
- WISPA'S back!!?
- Can you name 16 candies?
- $25,000 dessert?
- What snack/dessert are you craving right now?
- Stride gum?
- Sugar cookies?????
- Am I a hypocrite? I am pro-animal rights but I still eat chicken and shimp...not cow or pig.?
- How come my juicyfruit gum turned into liquidish goop after chewing it for 5 hours?
- What if your favorite cake and how often do you eat dessert per week?
- How do you like your eggs fixed at breakfast?
- If you were a cereal what kind would you be and why?
- Is it true that hormones are given to live stock that we use for food? And are we effected in anyway by them?
- What's you fave hot and cold dessert?
- What is the name of the pasta that is like a ribbon, long like fett, but much wider?
- Do you drink hot chocolate through the day or just on a night?
- Know where to find a Scotch Egg in SoCal?
- Avacado with lemon sqeezed on it and salt along with white rice. Yummy or no?
- What is your favorite part of the tongue....?
- Chocolate Candy?
- How come you cant get rich tea biscuits?
- I need food all the time?
- Aren't you glad there are stores that are open 24 hours?
- I like pies. who like them pies?
- Whats Your Favourite......?
- Food with most fiber in it?
- What is Tahini?!?
- What's your favourite icecream flavour?
- Which energy drink gives you the most energy?
- Where can I get Jubes (Nata de coco candy)?
- Santa and the PC police?
- Does washing fruit, veg and salad in cold running water remove all traces of pesticides & bacteria?
- Dime bar.........................
- What is your favorite... CANDAY?!?
- What's your favorite pizza topping?
- What kind of dip?
- Another question here goes..............?
- Roasted Onion saltine crackers?
- You put a can of soda in the freezer and you go back to get it but?
- Whats the cheapest/most reasonable cost of?
- Have you ever tried banana pudding?
- How can someone like fatty chicken wings?
- How come hot dogs taste so bad anymore.?
- The person above you is a vegetarian, vegan or a meat eater?
- Why do banana peels turn almost instantaneously brown once peeled?
- Belgain Choc?
- Who remembers ?
- Why it isn`t healthy to use metal spoon with honey?
- What's the most number of cups of tea you have had out of one tea bag ?
- What is your favorite flavor of bread?
- Can you eat too many carrots? if so what are the consequenses?
- Has anyone had a steamed pumpkin sandwhich before?
- What do you usally have for brekki?
- Is there any candy that starts with a V?
- Why pick up a pizza when you can get it delivered?
- If you swallow red pepper without chewing?
- Stickers on the fruit?
- Es tu cafe con leche mucho dulce?
- What's you favorite type of cheese?
- What Kinda Food Has Iron in it?
- What is your favorite kind of Campbell's Chunky soup?
- Do chip mixs come with puffy cheetos?