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- Strawberrys.?
- Is it true that you shouldn't drink milk after u eat fish?
- Why aren't cookies called Bakies?
- Whats The Best food you had ?
- If you could transform into any vegetable, what would you turn into?
- Can anybody please tell me?
- Marmite.. you either ;love it or you hate it?? do you???
- M&M's????????
- What is your favorite dessert?
- How do you season fish? How do you season steak?
- What's the difference between sherbet and sorbet?
- When you go to the store what kind of candy do you pick out?
- Products/Food from USA only!?
- Do you like sweet or sour food?????????
- If you really were what you eat, What would you most likely be.?
- Why doesnt Walkers Crisips use Iodized salt?
- Why do Classic Lays potato chips smell like farts when you first open the bag?
- Wut is ur fav food?
- What does rabbit taste like?
- Is it wrong to have fantasies of your wife naked in a giant bowl of Shredded Wheat?
- Favorite Lollipoop Flavor?
- What do they eat for breakfast in China???
- Do you have your 5 a day?
- Will you pull my pudd?
- What food makes you happy or sad?
- What did you have for dinner tonight?
- What seafoods do you like most?
- How long has it been since you took a bite out of your styrofoam cup?
- Is sugar sweeter than sugar cane what is your proof?
- What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
- If I buy a cake today for tomorrow will it still be fresh tomorrow?
- Where can you eat the best tasting burger?
- What do you do to your teabag when you're finished with your tea?
- Fried chicken wings or bbq chicken wings?
- Why aren't there sections for fruitairian/canibilism or raw foodism/raw veganism on yahoo! answers?
- Breakfast?!?
- Why can't you buy easter eggs in October?
- Chicken Pot Pie recall?
- Does Anyone Like To Put Ketchup On Their Mashed Potatoes?
- Do you like ??
- Who has had mars bar in batter? and is it good?
- Is it unhealthy to eat top ramen noodles uncooked?
- Recall on pot pies?
- Why does everything I put on the upper shelf of my mini fridge keep getting frozen solid?
- You have no lighter or matches how would you light the BBQ ??
- Hey who knows the muffin man?
- Why does Meat sometimes taste bloody even though it was throughly cooked? Mainly steak, meatloaf and chicken.?
- What is the BEST candy?
- Is Popcorn an Actual Vegetable?
- Where can i get vienneta ice cream?
- What was your favorite candy in your Halloween bag?
- Can someone help me find this item??
- Tootsie Pops - What do the stars mean?
- What are Goji berries,how can they be used and what for and why?
- What are your favorite toppings for homemade pizza?
- Why don't Italians put their eggs in the fridge?
- Which is better - Sam's Club or Costco and why?
- What's the name of this drink, non-alcoholic?
- Mint imperials or jelly beans?
- Pear drops or cola bottles sweets?
- What is your all-time FAVORITE naughty food?
- What sweets can you all remember from your childhood ? and what memories do the bring back ?
- Do you need a membership for costco, like sams club?