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- Whats ur favorite fruit?
- Are unheated waffles bad to eat?
- What do you wish you could eat right now?
- Jello recipes...?
- How would you preserve a orange?
- During Lent, why is it that Catholics can eat seafood on Fridays but not meat like beef, pork, or chicken?
- Brak wants to know, "Why do they make Organic Pam"?
- Can you freeze Special K / Rice Krispy Bars?
- If I fill milk jugs with tap water and cap them how long will the water stay drinkable?
- What are apple cider donuts?
- What type of cake is the best tasting for my birthday?
- Is it bad to ingest raw egg?
- When did they shrink LARGE eggs to SMALL eggs? is that legal?
- Why is the juice inside an apple sticky?
- Whats your favorite kind of cheese?
- Weird peanut butter combinations?
- Cherry Cordial is my absolute favorite ice cream......Agree?......or What is better for you.....?
- Foodnetwork Iron Chef Battles Vs. ?
- I'm EXTREMELY interested in making a goulosh tonight?
- I just brewed a pot of Chai tea....with steamed milk and sugar....what kind of cookies are you bringing......?
- Where can I find sum good caviear?
- Does rice and cheese go together ???
- If I whisk up 2 raw eggs now, is it safe to keep them in the fridge overnight for an omelette tomorrow morning
- What do you eat with rice ???
- Can anyone give tips or advice for drying fresh spices.?
- What's good for the munchies?
- I bought a pound of mozarella cheese 2 months back. However, yesterday night I was tired and forgot it outside
- Lunch ideas for school?
- What are two reasons why a healthy body will serve you well?
- What is your favorite style, New York Pizza or Chicago Pizza ?
- Are there "brown oats"?
- Do you like salt?
- What are the different types of camel cigarettes?
- How can something that smells bad taste good?
- Who has a really great food processor?
- What is a pimento?
- I want an ASTRO POP?
- What is the best kind of chocolate?
- Please help! Cheddar Cheese or Original?
- How much are your oranges today?
- My girlfriends got a bun in the oven. Do i eat it hot or cold?
- How many people eat peppermint ice cream?
- What is an bull and oyster roast event?
- Caviar paste in a tube? (Swedish)?
- Are you a dunker? or a twister?
- Chinese food or Indian food?
- What is your favourite comfort food?
- How is there fat in an avocado?
- What cheese pairs best with a sparkling white grape juice?
- Pumpkin...?
- How can I wrap individual cupcakes without frosting sticking?
- Egss with double yolks?
- Chicken? Ribs? Steak? Or Fish? Which do you prefer more?
- Do we really acquire news tastes for things as we age?
- What's your favorite cookie ?
- What happens when u eat a box of snickers and a 3 liter mountian dew?
- Does any one else out there dip toast in a cup of tea.?
- Too young to grow a beard/lennon bread?
- Rolled out flat dumplings?
- Why do pop tarts always give you gas?
- What exactly does Limburger cheese smell like?
- Has anyone ever tried Goat Placenta Wine? If so, what's your opinion?Has anyone ever tried Goat Placenta Wine?
- Do you live to eat or eat to live.......?