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- I've ordered a capone for Christmas.?
- Everyone has one???
- Why is pink lemonade pink?
- I just ate an onion like an apple, am I going to get sick?
- Burger bun!?
- Can someone plz tell me what this is???
- When were breakfast cereals first used?
- What is the best affordable coffee maker?
- Do you like sweet or sour candy?
- What kind of do-nut do you like to eat?
- Beef Injection?
- Do you like maple syrup on your pancakes.?
- Who just watched ramseys kitchen nightmare ?
- Is it lame to want an herb garden for Christmas?
- What is the best way to peel an orange?
- What is your favorite Holiday dish or desert?
- Do you like asparagus or spinach?
- What's better for you bananas or apples?
- Should I not be eating mild banana peppers?
- Jiffy Pop?
- How do they get the shells off of the sunflower seeds in mass quantity before bagging them and selling?
- If blue berries are blue are strawberries straw?
- Restaurant Questions! Dont you hate it...?
- What is your favorite flavor of Triscuits?
- What is you fav food indulgence at xmas ? mine is goats cheese and parma ham .?
- Do you wash potato before you pile.?
- Whats your favriote chips?
- How long will this last in my fridge?
- I know blue cheese is a kind of dressing but what is it made of?
- Vanilla mac and cheese?
- How do you know when a boiled egg is cooked?
- Can you freeze walnuts?
- What does a peice of Sun taste like?
- Finding it hard to choose which turkeys?
- Where did Captian Birds Eye get the idea for fish fingers?
- Why are boogers salty?
- How many people have watched a cow, goat, chicken be killed to eat?
- Favorite home cooked dinner?
- Best flavor jelly belly?
- What is youre favorite breakfast ?
- Does a large dill pickle count as a serving of vegetables?
- Where does MSG come from? And why is it so integral to many Asian cuisines?
- Is organic cream healthy, unhealthy, or neutral? It's in my organic ice cream! ?
- Favorite candy you can but in a 89cent pack?
- Christmas Jelly Beans how many?
- Help! I need a high school musical cake for my daughters b-day!...?
- Do certain foods make you angry?
- I am drinking two cups of coffee at the same time. Anyone else having a day like this? What should I drink?
- Does anyone remember a candy from the late 80's early 90's, called Bonkers??
- Do you like salad?
- Why is there no blue food?
- Why does homemade food always seem to taste better than even the best restaurant?
- Food Drive?
- Any ideas for a quick "healthy" breakfast when your running late? I am so sick of NutriGrain Bars!?
- Meal Ideas for one... Comfort food?!?!?!?
- Where can I buy inexpensive dry yeast in bulk (1-2 pound)?
- McDonald's Big and "Nasty(!?)"?
- How are ice cream bars made?
- Just found out that my last garlic head is starting to sprout is it still edible?
- What is the purpose of the oil pack in instant noodles?
- What, if any, Difference between Ice Cream and Gelato?
- Crackers!!?
- Has anyone tried the "seefood" diet yet?