Vegetarian & Vegan
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- What are the benefits of carrots?
- What kind of vegetarian am I...or am I not? What do I call me? lol?
- Why do meat eaters put Vegaterians down?
- Question for carnivores/omnivores: Is this a tasty vegetarian Christmas?
- Why are you Vegan?
- Can vegans eat imitation crab meat?
- Is cheese a dairy product.?
- Question for omnivores?
- What are the health benefits of radishes?
- What would happen to cows if we didn't slaughter them?
- Can you get diarrhea from cheese"?
- For those of you who have anemia or know anything about it...?
- Violation Notice: Over-sensitive Vegans.?
- Australians are so desparate to be like americans!!?
- Are there any vegan recipes that you can give me?
- How do i become a vegiterian?
- What would you first do if magically turned into a turnip?
- What is the best way to become a vegetarian?
- Sad, happy, smug or worried. i can't decide which?
- Is agar the same as agar-agar?
- I need recipes for mushroom fries made in fast food centres?
- Do French Bulldogs make good pets?
- Does anyone have a suggestion on how to cook the best collard greens?
- Should there be more vegetarians in the world?
- How many Calories does a Vegetarian consume a day?
- What are some benefits of being a vegetarian or a vegan?
- Have you tried indian food?
- Is L-cysteine acceptable to vegetarians?
- Are there racial differences in meat digestive capability?
- Does anybody else here hate PETA?
- How do you neutralize the fishy taste of seaweed?
- Is it hypocritical to eat chicken but never want to kill and gut one?
- What is a vegan?
- Bolivia's Fruit?
- Do vegetarians miss the taste of meat?
- What's the best recipe you've had that uses Fantastic Taco Filling?
- I just became a veggitarian about a year ago,...?
- I need suggestions for a vegetarian entree for a Christmas Posada next week.?
- Vegetarians - Why are you so agressive?
- Why did you convert?
- What's a good brand of veggie burgers?
- Anybody know of some really good vegatarian(not vegan) recipes?
- Vegetarians Only Question!?
- Vegetarian Christians ~ Jesus ate fish ~ then how can eating fish be wrong?
- Can you freeze broccoli?
- I'm not a vegan and I feel like a hypocrite: help, please?
- Healthy vegetarian diet?
- What is a good beginner tofu recipe?
- Is this a vegetable?
- How to prepare rajma?
- Want to go on a raw food diet but need....?
- What is gona eat ,greentea,herbal tea,?
- About how many calories do vegans and vegetarians eat on average?
- In a survay the worlds most of the vegitarian r in india any any comments?
- In a survay the world most of the vegitarian r in idia any comments?
- What is salmon&pumpkin?
- What is a typical days worth of meals consist of for a vegetarian.?
- So do bees get killed or hurt when we get their honey or not?
- What is the definition of vegitarian?
- What is the definition of vegitarian?
- If scientists proved plants feel pain, what would vegans have left to eat ?
- Where can I find a good vegan qualm & scruple recipe?
- Are avacados an Aphrodesiac?