Vegetarian & Vegan
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- How can you maintain good iron levels on a diet without red meat and chicken?
- Airplane trail?
- What are some good vegetarian dishes to serve at thanksgiving?
- What is the easiest way to trick a vegetarian to eat meat?
- Any suggestions on healthy/vegeterian dishes that are easy and quick to make?
- If all these are true...why do people attack vegetarianism?
- Are you vegetarian/vegan?
- What Do You Look For When Buying Cauliflower?
- Im thinking of becoming a vegetarian....?
- Why do people like to eat junk food?
- What's the cooking time for a 20lb turkey?
- What are vegetarians having for Thanksgiving?
- What can a Vegan bring to a Thanksgiving dinner?
- Does Lay's potato chips contain animal fat?
- The five reasons for not cooking?
- Will i gain weight if i eat as much vegetable curry as i want?
- Is Papaya a digestive fruits?
- If you were a Vegetarian, could you still eat fish?
- Is gravy vegetarian??
- Your oppinion on peta?
- Why is it that...?
- Why is asparagus so expensive?
- What do you eat on Thankgiving?
- Why are you/are you not a vegetarian?
- What are your feelings about tamales?
- Vegetarian hotdogs/hamburgers..?
- What are the strict rules for a vegan to follow?
- What was the most weirdest question someone asked you about your vegetarianism?
- What do macrol eat?
- What is the average weight of oranges?
- Reasons for being a vegetarian?
- Do you think the average omnivore would go vegetarian if....?
- What vegetarian/ vegan dish should I bring to my family's thanksgiving dinner?
- What is vegetarian? and Why we should be a vegetarian?
- Tofurkey (slices)- how (good) do they taste? Any special way of preparing them?
- Any Method to make Egg Omlette in Mocrowave Oven?
- Need a substitute suggest for use of egg?
- Why am I hungry?
- More options for kid's tiffin in school?
- Does anyone have unique vegan recipes?
- What are the benefits of Pomegranate juice?
- How do i grow alphalfa sprouts at home for salads?
- Veggie burgers and hotdogs which aren't disgusting?
- Is the holiday flavor of jones' soda "turkey and gravy" vegan?
- What is the best way to eat a?
- Will eating an avocado a day along with your previous diet make you gain weight?
- What is the difference between a yam and a sweet potato?
- Are you a vegetarian? Why?
- Are there any good vegetarian shoes?
- Do vegetarians eat chips??
- Does anyone know where i can find vegetarian top ramen in santa clara county?
- Which wines are vegan?
- What is a good vegetarian alternative to turkey?
- Can you freeze beets and do you need to do anything to them before freezing?
- Health food markets in 26059?
- Should vegans read the newspaper?
- Spaghetti Squash: got any good recipes?
- Any good food that is Vegetarian ?
- No egg puff pastry or merangues?
- Does eating cheese before bed really give you nightmares?
- Which Is The Healthier Starch?
- Why do you dislike vegans/vegetarians (if you do) ?
- How do you make red lentil spinach patties?