Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Peta 'I Am Not A Nugget' Messenger Bag (Please Read On!)?
- 15 year old vegetarian?
- Meat eater dating a vegan?
- Dairy Free Desserts?
- Vegan fried eggplant. Any suggestions on the coating?
- I'm a vegetarian and i don't eat eggs, are vegetarians supposed 2 eat eggs?
- Is there any type food that never contains animals or has anything to do with animals?
- What kind of grains can a raw vegan eat?
- Is Tofu still any good after it is dry?
- Can soy be harmful to the thyroid? ?
- Question for vegans....?
- Help - Chicago Diner Vegan Mac & Cheese Recipe?
- Does bread have anything to do with animals?
- Where can we use avocados beside to a slice that fills the sandwich?
- Ovo or lacto Vegetarian?!?!?
- Where Do Capers Come From?
- Vegetarian/womenly question?
- What to eat when you're too picky?
- I cant eat the choc cake?
- If things continue to change at the current rate, when will the US be 10% vegan?
- Pear brand soap is Vegan friendly?
- What is the difference between Vegan and vegitarian?
- Is it okay to eat meat three times of week, instead of quitting it period?
- What do vegans eat? ? ? ?
- If god did not want us to eat animals...?
- Why do some "vegetarians" eat fish but still call themselves "vegetarians"?
- Did prehistoric man eat raw meat?
- HELP!! vegetarian question!?
- Wanting to become a top athlete, can you guys help?
- Going back to eating meat?
- Anyone know what is a really good way to enjoy a tomato?
- Poll-Need to make a Pie-graph for please vote ?
- What are some good vegetarian main dishes?
- Does yogurt help your body?
- Vegetarian Goulash ???
- Do vegeterians eat fish, eggs and milk?
- How can vegetarians still be fat?
- What is your FAVORITE vegetarian or vegan food?
- Can I get sick from being a vegetarian with poor supplement?
- Veg@ns and cravings?
- Vegan substitutes for Ovaltine?
- Any alternative to Cream Cheese or Butter?
- Does being a vegetarian really save animals?
- Animal rights website - name for it?
- We people in india eat spicy and salty food... but most of the world eats food that's bland.?
- What brands test on animals?
- Feeling guilty about food?
- Okay, so I'm going to attempt to make vegetable soup and I need some help.?
- I'm turning vegan, what nutrients will I be missing out on? ?
- "If were not supposed to eat chickens, cows and pigs why are they made of meat?"?
- Meat eater + Vegetarian = love?? Grocery list for veg & meat eater?
- Do you think that being a vegetarian but eating fish hypocritical?
- Vegetarians, what do you eat for protein?
- Does being a vegan stop you eating food where they control?
- What do vegans (not vegetarians) feed their cats/dogs?
- What is good with franks hot sauce?
- Is it unvegetarian of me to eat meat sauce?
- Any vegans out there that used to eat dairy? How did you quit it? I really love egss?
- What would a vegan who is on a very small budget and has to get food from places like walmart eat?
- Vegans: Whats so wrong with dairy?
- Is there a vegan grocery store in salt lake county, utah?
- Best vegetarian ready meal ?
- Do all english muffins have eggs?