Vegetarian & Vegan
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- I've been a vegetarian for two weeks now and....?
- Is it true that vegatarians get gray hair before meat eaters??!?
- I am a vegitarian and my doctor says i am not getting enough protein wat do i do plz help!!!?
- Vegatarian cravings help am i getting enough protein??
- Three questions: vegan diet?
- Advice on the matter?
- Im a vegtairn [staring]to be helpi have qestions!!!!?
- Are animal products still used in gelatin?
- Vegetarians , how do you get enough protein?
- Great vegetarian New Years appetizers?
- Why do my socks smell like cheese?
- Are Clams Meat?
- Vegan parents: Does the rest of the family agree with how you raise your kids?
- Do you remember your first inner conversion experience to true veganism?
- Does anyone have a good recipe for . . .?
- Are there any other vegetarians that don't eat tofu?
- Vegetarians eating fish?
- Is whey protein suitable for vegetarians?
- Any suggestions for using up a packet of silken tofu?
- Holy crap or carp?
- Peta2 Street Team??
- Vegetarian Problem...?
- Vegetarian for new years!?
- What are things you can do to be an active PETA member?
- Wat's the diff. between a vegan & a vegetarian?
- Vegspace? Like a vegetarian myspace place that isn't in-the-gutter. Know of one?
- Amaranth grain, kamut?
- Why do vegetables give you gas?
- How long should a pound of sprout seeds last in a household with 3 grazers?
- Bro Wont eat enzymes?
- What do Vegan eat??
- Vegetarian young?
- Foundue pot...wahhhhhhhhh?????
- Vegan Recipes?
- What If Question for Veggies and Vegans?
- This confuses me?
- Who here is vegetarian and proud?
- Why vegan or vegetarians need 'meatless' meats?
- I need to know some quick, easy, and yummy vegitarian recipies...anybody have any good ideas?
- Pro's and Con's of becoming a vegan?
- Help! problem! anyone else get this?
- Whats a good vegan dessert????????need answer in 10 min. please?
- How do I make Soya mince burgers?
- How can you convince your parents that being vegan isn't about losing weight?
- How do u tell which cucumbers are fresh?
- How to use tofu? and which soy milk?
- Why do people who don't eat meat want to replicate the idea....?
- Fish Alternative?
- Do Vegans eat parmesan cheese?
- Do you vegetarians. think eating meat is gross?
- If you are a vegitarian because you object to killing an animal....?
- Where are the "purist" vegetarians supposed to get the manure for their organic farms?
- I hate vegetables with a passion?
- What are some foods with soy in it?
- Is Blue Curacao vegan/vegetarian?
- Your favorite cereal from this list is?
- OMG...please answer and give me some stars.?
- Pringles??
- Help with my new diet?
- Living in dorms!?
- What about the "Hallelujah Diet"?
- What sort of food can you eat if you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian?
- Vegetarian diet without tofu?