Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Dissection?
- Raw Foods Question....?
- Can vegetarians eat fish eggs?
- What are some quick and healthy vegetarian breakfast ideas?
- Why are peta members so intolerant?
- Kind of a wierd question for vegans?
- My Dad will not let me.?
- How common are dairy farms and hatcheries where animals do not end up being killed?
- V*gans: What religion are you?
- Would vegetarians and/or vegans have a problem with eating insects for protein?
- Question for vegans!?
- What's that white stuff that looks like broccoli?
- What would happen to dairy herds if everyone went Vegan?
- Does anyone have a good recipe for a vegan birthday cake?
- What shoe wear material do vegans purchase?
- What does eating low on the food chain mean to you?
- Why won't my parents take me serious with this?!?!?
- Vegans, does the look or smell of some non vegan food make you feel guilty cos u miss it?
- What is the nutritional value of eating your own finger or toe nails, calcium, fibre?
- What's a good recipe that uses hazelnuts?
- I'm a vegiarian. what should i eat?
- Are dried fruits and vegetables considered raw?
- Veggetarians and vegans help me?
- Suprising non veggie foods?
- Why are vegetarians against make-up?
- What are the health risks of being vegetarian?
- Slaughter houses: Is this true?
- A type of cancer specific only to vegetarians?
- I want to I become a vegetarian..?
- What can I make for dinner using some (or all) of the following ingredients?
- What are the best vitamins for vegans/vegetarians?
- What foods can you not eat if being a vegetarian?
- I've watched about 4 programmes on how chickens become ready for food and other animals..?
- If you are a vegetarian, can you eat boiled eggs?
- Best protein for human consumtion?
- Recently become veggie ,will eat fish no diary or meat ,got any quick recipes?
- Can you help me figure out what this food is called?
- Can vegans be healthy if they dont eat tofu or soy or temph?
- Vegans cant eat cookies or cakes or chocolate, can they?
- Does anyone know a good recipe for PANCAKES that is egg free?
- Nearly dinner time?
- What is the easiest vegetarian soup you can think of?
- Do vegans eat seafood?
- What is Earth Balance?? is it a Margarine brand′s?
- Scent of a woman - why are they the same ?
- Vegan.....question???? 10 POINTS for best answer!?
- Cheese and toast or beans and toast?
- Whats the alternative to cows milk?
- How to be a Vegan Vegetarian in Iceland???
- I'm vegetarian and really want to go vegan. What's the best way of doing this?
- Is avacoda's a vegetable?
- Why dose everyone keep telling me?
- I daily eat lots of vegetable saladslike tomatoes carrot, raddish,cucumber?
- What food can a vegetarian man substitute for stamina foods like beef or chicken?
- How can I manage?
- What are some recipes that I can use Silken Tofu in?
- Does it make me a freak??
- Cheese recipes for nutritional yeast????
- Is there a vegan nail polish remover?
- Any good vegan boots???
- I'm going out to eat to night to this place called North Woods Steak House and...?
- Do vegans eat honey?