Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Is Ian Somerhalder a Vegetarian?
- Did I eat too much today? Should I starve myself tomorrow?
- How hard is it to become vegan?
- I want to go vegietarian, but have no support.?
- Does the white stuff left on orange slices are you peel them have any nutritional value?
- Buffalo Wild Wings - vegetarian lunch?
- Will becoming a vegetarian make me more healthy?
- I don't like nutritional yeast, any combinations of seasonings you've found that mimic cheese?
- Does cultural terminology effect Vegetarianism?
- Animal Research - Should I do it?
- how can you get someone to eat?
- Are monoglycerides and diglycerides always animal products?
- what is the best way to eat a cheese Coney without getting messy?
- do pot noodles contain meat or are they all vegetarian?
- Is it wrong to eat at different places ?
- Is it safe to eat uncooked/raw squash and zucchini?
- Do you find it funny when someone says they're Vegetarian/Vegan for "environmental/ethical reasons" yet s
- how do i stop being grossed out from eating meat?
- I'm a lacto ovo vegetarian and i've been using granulated sugar.?
- Going vegan (again), but I like meat and cheese. Help!....?
- What can vegetarians eat, and not eat?
- I'm finding it really hard to be a vegitarian?
- vegans..who is the greatest?
- What is the common name for processed cheese?
- what are some good vegetarian recipes?
- Is mozeralla cheese is the other name of processed cheese?
- Vegetarians, what do you do when you see a cockroach in your house?
- I want to know if NESCAFE has any negative effect on the body.?
- Is there any way that eating a product containing tapioca can have physical effects on the bodies muscles?
- how are the cold ones eat?
- Who are some young famouse vegetarians/vegans?
- What time of day do you eat your main meal?
- highest protien rice or soya?
- How much protein do i need?
- Whats a good vegetarian recipe that doesn't include tofu or eggplant ?
- Will sliced bananas and sliced kiwis go bad over night?
- I saw a vegan eat a twinkie, so does that mean they are not vegan?
- Vegetarian diet: do you think I'm deficit in something; my mouth?
- study on the average life-spans of people (especially vegans/vegetarians)?
- What is a simple yet tasty way to eat blueberries?
- Is polycarbonate(Or other stuff in these glasses) Vegan ?
- what do you think of my recipes?
- Should I keep eating meat or go vegetarian?
- I'm a vegetarian (not vegan) and I eat sugar but vegans did you know...?
- Who are some famous people who are vegetarian?
- Did I eat too much today? Should I not eat tomorrow?
- are veggie slices not vegan?
- Have you eaten something that wasn't vegetarian because you didn't want to waste food?
- how many calories did I eat today?
- Will going Vegan cause me to lose weight?
- Which is more likely to explode when coming in contact with a rubber chicken?
- should i do my persuasive speech on circus cruelty or animal testing?
- Dining Out in Central U.S.?
- Are vegetarians really healhtier because...?
- Vegetarians what is the best brand of Vege Bacon?
- Anyone know of some good vegetarian cookbooks?
- why does meat that is vacuum sealed still turn brown?
- I want to become vegetarian but I don't want to seem ungrateful to my family?
- What are the problems today for dairy farmers?
- Raw Soya Mince (am I going to die)?
- Can Tofu be reheated?
- Am I weird? Or are there other people like me?
- Does lettered soup contain gelatin?