Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Why do juicers leave so much waste?
- Vegetarians / current vegans, do/did you find you like eggs & cow milk less over time?
- OMG tomarrows my birthday what should I eat for dinner tonight?
- Are there any good vegan dog cupcake recipes?
- I'm vegetarian and people ask...?
- Vegan purchasing Insanity Workout DVD, Nutrition Plan?
- Good Vegatarian/Vegan Meals?
- How do Vegans keep testosterone up?
- Are most salad dressings okay for vegans?
- I believe that animals are exactly the same as humans, only they don't speak our languages, do you agree?
- Vegan skate shoes uk?
- Humans are omnivores, so why do people think we can live without animal protein in our diets?
- Humans are omnivores, so why do people think we can live without animal protein in our diets?
- Protein shakes and free weights for teens?
- Hemp Protein, what size cup should i be taking it on?
- Vegan backpacking/camping food?
- Can I bake crumbled tofu? Or will it burn or get too crispy?
- Vegans; What food to you take to work or school?
- Minecraft Texture Pack Problem?
- Is sea salt safe for human consumption?
- Where can i find Veg Potato Patty Burger in US?
- Is it me? Or do the Morning Star veggie pizza burgers smell like crap?
- Will it make it worse if I pop it because it does hurt and I need relief?
- Coconut meat consistancy ?
- How to make chocolate pudding with gelatin and cocao powder?
- How hard was it for you to become Vegan?
- Trying to be please!? ?
- I was going to try this cinnamon....?
- New vegetarian. Know any good foods to make?
- which taste better and helps with weight lose Yogurt or Oat Meal?
- Are seedless cucumbers suppose to be slimy on the inside?
- What are some good vegetarian brands?
- Are baby pickles there own type of cucumber or do they just pick them while there baby's?
- I ate an animal product and I feel bad?
- What is a good vegan breakfast?
- I want to become a vegetarian, how can I transition into it?
- Does this lunch seem healthy to you from veggie grill?
- Do vegetarians give you headaches?
- If i'm reading ingredients on a package...?
- where can i buy chicken meat from Chickens that are allowed to roam free outside and eat a more natural diet?
- just a quick poll....?
- Does open peanut oil go bad?
- I just became a vegetarian, are there any tips,shortcuts,brands to avoid, or ones that are cruelty free?
- What is PETA's stance on human rights? Are they for forcing sterilisation on humans? (sierious question)?
- Should I go vegan? Will I get better health or worse?
- Is fondant vegan? (the hard frosting looking stuff on cake)?
- Cheeses for Vegetarains?!?!?!?
- is it possible to be vegan? opinions?
- I'm vegetarian but I'm too embarrassed to tell my friends?
- Can rolled oats be switched for instant oats?
- How can you distinguish between a person with 'orthorexia' and someone on a raw vegan lifestyle?
- Why do i feel nacious after i eat fast food?
- What can I add to a packaged muffin mix?
- lunch meat, is it bad to eat?
- If Veganism is so unhealthy?
- DO you like to eat pizza?
- If i eat an imaginary pig, am i still a vegetarian?
- How can I help ban the import of cat and dog fur?
- Vegetarian skate shoes UK?
- I'm a vegetarian but...?
- I'm new to vegetarianism. A week now. And I have seen many recipes that call for Tofu.?
- 3) A parent can choose from 6 types of protein, 5 vegetables and 7 desserts. If the parent serves a meal of 1?
- Was Martin Luther a vegetarian?