Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Has science proven eating meat causes cancer?
- Where can I buy Earth Balance Butter online?
- Does anyone use agave nectar to sweeten foods?
- Zebra Food?
- Are there any vegetarian-friendly protein drinks out there?
- Why do people think "B vitamins are not found in the vegetable kingdom at all"?
- Which type of milk do you prefer- Soya, Rice or Almond and why?
- I have a question about Vegans?
- So, are the products okay?
- What did your body go through when you changed to vegetarianism?
- I want to become vegetarian,does anyone know some good meals to make?plase share them with me!?
- Do you think it should be illegal to eat meat or animal products?
- How can I convert my grandparents to veganism?
- I've just started eating nothing, but fruits and veggies. I can't stop flagellating?
- Getting enough protein and?
- If I wanted to become a vegetarian, how would I go about doing that?
- I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian..?
- Vegetarian,,effects..on your body.?
- Vegetarianism and weight loss.?
- Anyone know of great quality vegan / organic makeup?
- Been vegetarian for a month and keep developing cold after cold?
- I am trying a new recipe, green bell pepper stuffed with portobello mushrooms & tomato sauce. Should I serve?
- Im vegan i need help!!!!!!!!!?
- Best recipe for vegan nutritional yeast gravy?
- Companies that test on animals?
- Vegan or Vegetarian recipes wanted.... needs to look and feel like pulled pork BBQ.?
- Vegan Easter Eggs?
- How do you take apart a Cuisinart blender?
- What is the grossest thing you have seen?
- New Vegetarian - Need help from experienced people.?
- Is kiwi fruit a fruit grown in India?
- Cutting down on meat consumption--need advice on responsible sources of food.?
- Questions on this catagory?
- Why do people continue to eat meat?
- Do Vegetarians eat..?
- Best Types Of Tofu.?
- Please, I need some ideas for Vegetarian Lunch box for kids?
- Would you consider BILE from animals non vegetarian or non vegan?
- New at this :-/?
- If edamame is a vegetable, does tofu count?
- Vegetarian Vs Vegan?
- New Vegetarian - Am I getting enough of everything?
- What is the most tastiest fish to eat?
- Why are vegetarians such an irritating bunch of people?
- What is the healthiest kind of mushroom to eat?
- Should i become a vegeterian?
- Your opinion: Do you despise meat eaters?
- What can I do to protest the mistreatment of animals if I cannot become a vegetarian/vegan?
- Vegan alternative to carmex for cold sores?
- What's a good brand of vitamin for a vegetarian?
- Does L'oreal test on animals?
- Do soy products make you fat?
- Animals used for fighting???
- Who else thinks that products like "vegetarian bacon" are stupid?
- Home made hommus - any tips?
- Is anyone else not eating cow b/c of the video? It was terrible.. I haven't and feed myself or my family..
- What chips are vegan?
- Omg i just saw a video of a cow getting ran over by a fork lift getting forced to go to the slaughter house?
- Are vegi burgars any good, and what are they made of??
- Im 13; is it safe to be a vegatarian?
- Are cooked carrots a good source of fiber?
- Protein foods ?!?!?
- What is a good subtitute for Turkey/ham in a sandwhich?