Vegetarian & Vegan
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- What is a list of Vegetarian foods?
- Are Odwalla Bars Vegan... are Ensure and Boost shakes?
- House Bill 875 creation of a Fed Gov Food Adm give the government to much power over farms and what we eat?
- Hae you seen this article about the new healthyeating food pyramid from Harvard?
- Proteins for Lacto-Ovo vegetarians?
- How can a meat eater maintain a healthy and balanced diet?
- Young vegetarians may have eating disorders?
- Vegan meals????????????????????...
- Are all vitamins/supplements vegan?
- Ok, who had the LAMEST meal today?
- Did you know that skittles are now gelatin free?
- Do vegans live longer?
- Anybody have a nice & simple vegetarian recipes?
- Um... I'm a little confused about corn RAW VEGANS?
- Please post here recepy for making vegitable like "seam","lauki"?
- How can I get my parents to take my decision to be a vegatarian seriously?
- Staying healthy without eating meat?
- I just became vegetarian what changes can I expect ?
- I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian will it help me to have a flatter stomach?
- Should I continue to be a vegetarian?
- Vegetarians.. I eat eggs, fish and dairy products, what is that considered?
- Where can I find raw cheese?
- Was Popeye a vegetarian/vegan?
- What is your favorite quote about vegetarianism?
- Can I eat the roots on broccoli sprouts?
- Is it safe to eat a whole chili pepper?
- Does anyone have any great vegetarian dinner ideas?
- Should animals be vegetarian to.?
- Does anyone know of any good but healthy recipes I can use with...?
- Which vegan cheeses are decent?
- How can a vegie be a vegie if they eat fish?
- Did you actually experience better sex once you became Veg?
- Vegetarians..which is the question you HATE being asked?
- EWWWWWW! I just ate animal product by accident?
- Can I juice or blend grass (from my backyard) and drink it?
- Non-stirfry tofu recipes?
- What can i get in fast food resaurants that is vegetarian?
- What's the best vegetarian lunch box food?
- What brands of gummy bears contain pectin instead of gelatin?
- Why isn't sugar considered vegan?
- What are some really good protien sources? 10 Pts?
- For all vegetarians, do you eat gummy bears?
- What is your belief on the statement "vegetarianism is a better way of life"?
- What do most vegetarian's/Vegan's eat?
- Buying Farm Shares (for local, seasonal produce)?
- Why does bean consumption cause agony in my gut?
- Sainsburys cheese savouries. Veggie?
- Animal Cruelty in the Meat Industry?
- Is Chili's Black Bean Burger Vegan?
- Does anyone know how many actors and athletes are Vegans or vegetarians?
- Where can i find info on the net about protein?
- Do you know of any alternatives to.....?
- Questions for vegans/vegetarians with kids?
- What nutrients are missing from my diet and what foods will help me get them?
- Is coconut milk good for our health or not?
- Why should i become a Vegan?
- What is your favorite vegetarian dish to make?
- Are any brands of almond butter NOT produced in a facility that also has peanuts?
- Which is a better takeaway to have for a vegetarian and which is healthiest?
- How do I reply to this? Help Please!?
- Can meat be the reason for my poor health?
- Does anyone have an idea on how to help my blood sugar with fruits... I'm a vegan?
- I am a vegetarian what foods will speed up my metabolism. i am very restricted with what exercise i can do.?