Vegetarian & Vegan
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- What to feed my dogs?
- What should sprouted barley smell like?
- Protein and iron-What foods are best?
- How do I prove to people that its not stupid to go Veg.?
- Watching out for Gelatin?
- I have a question for all the vegans?
- Fellow American vegetarians/vegans...?
- High Calcium Main Course?
- What are the top 5 sources of Animal protein and top 5 sources of Plant protein?
- Can I mix vinegar and lemon juice?
- Has anyone here ever undergone Juice Fasting?
- WHat could i use as a substitue for handweights that are easy to hold?
- Why are vegan/vegetarians beautiful?
- What are some statistics on animals rights/welfare?
- Can anyone show me a photo of sprouted lentils?
- What the heck is "raw honey" ?
- Substitution for chicken breast?
- Are insect repellents from natural sources kill?
- Master Cleanse: Maple syrup?
- What is a good quick vegetarian dinner?
- Healthy Diet ...... ?
- Lentil Bake Recipe - does anyone have this recipe please?
- Would beans alone provide enough complete protein?
- Do vegans eat bread.?
- Should I become Vegan ?
- I have an overripe cantaloupe?
- Where do cows, pigs and chickens get their protein, calcium and iron from?
- Is Daisy's Sour Cream vegetarian friendly?
- The definition of a Vegetarian and a Vegan?
- Vegetarians and Vegans, what do you find annoying about other Vegetarian and Vegans?
- I have a question for vegans,?
- I am trying to become a vegetarian and don't know how to get mt protien?
- I am a vegetarian and thanksgiving is coming up. Oh no! Turkey?!?
- How to be a healthy vegetarian?
- Does Walmart have any of these foods?
- How do I tell my family I'm Vegan on Thanksgiving?
- Advice for someone becoming a Vegetarian...?
- When is it okay to start a vegan diet?
- Vegetarians eating Ramen Noodles?
- What are the benefits to being a vegetarian?
- For vegetarians: do you use pills that are made with gelatin capsules?
- If you were a vegetarian and had non-vegetarians over for dinner, would you cook meat?
- Vegan dancer.............?
- Would you consider Luna Bars healthy and natural?
- How long is the detox process when going on a raw food diet? What are some of the symptoms?
- Can we find a happy middle ground?
- Why can't I eat Quinces raw?
- I want answer please what is starch ?
- Vegans and Dog Bones....?
- I saw animal abuse videos & all the terrible stuff. Leather shoes?
- Favorite vegan meal/snack?
- I'm making brownies, but refuse to use eggs?
- How can i get iron into my diet without red meat?
- Vegetarian?????????????
- I'm a vegetarian how can i go back to eating meat?
- Why do vegans and vegetarians silly names for meat eggs etc?
- What are some great websites for Vegan and Vegetarian recipes :) ?
- Question for Vegetarians/Vegans about medication?
- Is ALL toothpaste & mouthwash suitable for vegans?
- A vegetarian protien shake can you please help me find one.?
- Does soy milk have protein in it?