Vegetarian & Vegan
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- Am I getting enough protein?
- What does vegetarian formula mean for a multivitamin?
- What are your opinion of animal testing?
- Why don't they adjust BMIs to reflect actual health statistics when it comes to weight and eating?
- I have just recently become an Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian. What are some of the health benefits as a vegetarian?
- which vegetables can be steamed?
- Your favorite vegan prepackaged food?
- What are 5 reasons why meat is bad for us and 2 reasons it is good for us?
- I can't decide what to eat for dinner. Any suggestions?
- Vegetarian McDonalds?
- Christmas with vegetarians?
- mooli is which type of vegetable?
- My protien may be really low ?
- How to gain weight as a vegetarian?
- Do mushrooms have any nutritional value?
- What are the 'Garden Herbs' used in Green Giant Garden Vegetable Medley?
- how to tell family you have gone veggie?
- Are Cliff Bars (etc.) Vegan?
- What are the sources for muscle gaining?
- Who's your favorite celebrity Vegetarian?
- Vegetarians/vegans - Do you support Sea Shepherd?
- dry vegetables to make soup?
- Is synthetic beeswax vegan?
- Vegetarians/vegans - What do you think of this video?
- Would it be ok to have 5 serves of fruit and 2 serves of vegetables?
- Vegan diet, bloating & gas?
- All you can eat seafood?
- Do you think fat is bad?
- I would like some tips on eating only when i'm hungry and some vegan meal or snack ideas. :)?
- Is tofu good for weight loss?
- what is the world's healthiest fruit?
- How milk is processed- Procedure?
- Vegans: What should I ask for in a resturant?
- should i eat cheese and why?
- how many and what kind of beans equal 120 grams of daily protein?
- questions about carrots?
- Why vegans crave salt?
- I want to go vegetarian? Help?
- What if there is a type of STRICT eater that will go beyond vegetarian?
- Is it ok to kill as an act of compassion?
- I want to eat healthier, and more vegan foods, but my family buys (and eats) non-stop garbage?
- How much protein do i need each day?
- I am a new Vegetarian and need help? ?
- kind of yogurt does the most good for the skin?
- Question for people who have successfully done the master cleanse?
- Are there any homemade recipes that involve sperm from humans or animals?
- Should I eat fish again?
- what brands of products ARE tested on animals?
- Pepperidge Farm Broccoli and Cheese Pastry?
- what are the basics to being a a vegetarian for a 13 year old girl?
- Need some meal tips from fellow vegetarians--all my veg meals have sucked!?
- Food options for a lunch Poll?
- I'm thinking about becoming vegitarian, but I'm not sure.?
- whats a vegitarian burger?
- I'm considering on becoming a vegetarian and becoming skinny, will drinking coca cola screw it up? (read more)?
- People in my family are big meat eaters, and I really want to be vegetarian what can i eat?
- what is pumis? as in dip. is it good for you? is it engineered?
- Someone knows about Trader Joe′s?
- Why or why aren't you a vegetarian?
- What are substitutes for milk and eggs?
- big K protein bar/granola bar, are they healthy or not (as a snack)?
- Vegetarians/vegans - Whats your favourite food?
- Vegetarians/Vegans and omnivores, what do you think of this?